relevant to discussion

Yeah, I figured he was siphoning off Trump voters.

Honest question, what makes you think those votes would have gone to Hillary? The few Johnson supporters I know probably would have gone Trump. But that’s a small sample size so I don’t know what the norm is.

Wow salty much over your upcoming loss?

As the locals would say, he robbed them blind.

This is not a new Seahawks strategy.

Because he reaction was warranted?

Seriously, refs rarely throw flags on coaches in the NFL.

Refs knew they blew it and let it go.

This is the worst thing to happen to Atlanta involving a Sherman in a long time.

PSA - expect a site such as one owned by outrage-hungry idiots to try to turn you into a scumbag for some disgustingly mild comments. I mean, he called women “beautiful”... what an asshole, AMIRIGHT?!

STOP THE GODDAM BULLYING. The dude asked a question while being fat and you can’t just couldn’t get past a slightly oddly dressed fat guy being on TV. Give it a rest.

Poor guy. He never asked for any of this. He just wanted to go to a debate.

PSA Reminder: Never become famous for any reason.

This poor man. Can we not just leave shit alone? I’m real fuckin’ pleased to have not heard about Harambe for a week, but how long are we gonna have to ride the Bone Train?

Dude is enjoying his 15 minutes, and you decide to put him on blast for relatively innocuous comments?

Aw man let poor Ken be. He doesn’t deserve this. It’s all fun and games till Thiel comes after your ass on bone’s behalf. And then you know what happens? No rice cooker


You come to a science fiction sub-blog for news? I think I found your problem. Well, one of them, anyway.

I kinda agree.

You guys realize you’re the new Moral Majority, right?