relevant to discussion

This whole article:

If that’s all it takes for ultra-racism, I have a feeling it’s not as exclusive a club as one might want to believe.

Oh yay, I have the right to spend a week driving across the country instead. Consumer choice: so great.

I’m sorry you wouldn’t enjoy this. =(

What do you have against exposing the crimes of the government?

Ben Carson used to confuse the fuck out of me. Then I saw ‘Get Out’, and NOW he makes sense.

You do realize that the homeowner did nothing wrong...

Maybe a “Dad, don’t shoot, it’s my boyfriend!” would have helped...

What’s it like going through life being this stupid?

Well shit, I like Trump?!? That’s news to me. Thanks black writer!!

I dunno, the fact that she is plowing makes her seem much less pretentious.

As a Bernie supporter that was realistic enough to vote for Hillary “just in case” (even though I live in California and there was basically no way it would matter here): yeah, keep pushing the DNC line about how Bernie and Stein supporters fucked all of us. They were definitely the *real* problem. /s

I don’t really understand what a “Bernie Bro” is, but are you placing blame on people who supported Bernie in the primary?

Anyway, we know where this is going: Someone is going to have to lure Donald Trump out of Trump Tower with a six-foot portrait of himself and force him to be president.

She’s pro trump so I’m not sure you’d want to hear her rant on this :(

LOL. That’s a ducking good one, chap.

The flavor of Jezebel lately has been “circle the wagons” and “we ran a perfect campaign”. As goes our comments’ section, so goes the nation, I always say.

Hillary did not lose because of Bernie’s education plan.

That looks kinda suspicious.

Yeah if all the white wimen voted for Clinton instead of Trump then Clinton would be president. seriously you want to get mad a Jill Steins get the fuck out of here.