relevant to discussion

Women watching movies were men get drowned, tortured, burnt to deat, suffocated, stabbed, shot, blown up, castrated, run over by cars... and I assume there is some of that in this movie as well

You don’t have to get it, or watch any more. I don’t get Avengers movies, so I don’t watch them. But I also don’t go into the comments sections for new Avengers movies and explain why I don’t like them.

Perhaps the scariest of Penton’s tweets is one from June 3:

it’s hilarious how they “blame” millennials.

Would rather have seen Trevor Noah go.

Sexism is real. I’ve never suggested otherwise. Try again.

This is an excellent way to unite the party, by relentlessley making fun of Bernie’s supporters, calling them “Bernie Bros”, children, spoiled, racist and by cherry picking one or two hold-outs and acting as if that’s all his supporters, despite poll after poll showing Hillary pulling in 90% of us, far more than the Hi

Jon Stewart would never do a bit like this because he had a sense of empathy and a basic respect for humanity. It’s why he never seemed to be punching down — even when he brutally took people to task. He always made sure he was making fun of people for the right reasons.

Right, cause rape is an appropriate consequence of criminal activity that we should be supporting.

Yeah, he totally deserves to get raped in prison because he helped people pirate some movies...

That still doesn't make him a co-writer, which the article clearly states.

Which is incorrect because Reitman was not a co-writer for the original film. It was created and written by Ackroyd and Ramis.

Most open minded people do realize this about Republicans, but keep in mind that you are also in the middle of the biggest liberal circle-jerk on the entire internet. (AKA Gawker Media). If you say anything remotely right winged on here, you might as well have punched a baby in a stroller.

it’s almost as if pot legalization was a libertarian red herring that didn’t have any actual effect on disproportionate arrests of people of color.

I dunno. Hard to blame the guy for a comment he made when she pulled a gun on him.

I’m not defending the husband. He should not have said that. But my mother is very unstable, and, while I would never say something like that to her, I get it. Our family has suffered so much at her hands. I love her tremendously, and I would do anything for her. But it is so hard.

Meh. Saying something ugly and regrettable in the heat of the moment kind of pales in comparison to murdering your children.