relevant to discussion

I disagree. I honestly do not think that Erdely should ever be able to get work as a journalist again. She wanted to write a sensationalist article and she did, without doing her due diligence, and in doing so I genuinely think that she set back the national discourse about campus sexual assault.

I have every sympathy for these teachers. Little Hudson is a fucking idiot.

Tesla doesn’t? I must be imagining those Teslas that I see in my office car park, or on transporters leaving the factory.

Porsche go fix the dam ugly Panamera first.

Don’t even try to make this about the US. We both know that there simply is no comparison between the two.

Good thing the World Cup will be there. No one drinks or fornicates out of marriage at major international sporting events.

A culture in which a mother burns her own daughter alive should’t be criticized? Fuck off with that moral relativism bullshit...

Or you know - we could hold both Islam and Christianity accountable. It’s not an either-or situation. And Islam is not connected to race, so there’s that too.

That’s cool that you draw attention to yourself like that.

This was also there at some point:



Really? And say what? there’s a dude by the name of JoeDaddy505 committing abuse. I don’t know where he lives but go find him?

Real life isn’t like tv where we can just zoom and enhance our way to solving mysterious

I have to admit this is pretty damn endearing.

I think it was nice of Shia to call him. I mean, what can you say when some random person sustains a closed head injury because he looks like you?

I think this is a pretty classy move that doesn’t deserve snark.

lol, am i the only one who finds this funny?

More like this

Ugh, a hot take for the sake of a hot take.

if ur raped while using uber go to the goddamn police not customer service