I’m being sincere with this question and not trying to troll:
How dumb do you think we are?
The Vols are just getting some preseason buzz started for DraftKings fall “All Felon” Fantasy League....enter promo code “SLAPMEAROUND”
That cat really does look like Jake Gyllenhaal. Best “Double Creature” evar!!!!
You said “given”. When you give something away, it is no longer yours. Taking something back by force, that was once yours, is still what it is.
With this addition of Matt LeBlanc to the cast the BBC also announced that they will be changing the name of the show from Top Gear to Always Stuck In Second Gear.
Can we knock it the fuck off with the ‘Sander’s supporters are naïve and think he’s magic socialist Santa Claus who will enact his entire platform with a wave of his magic wand’ narrative? Seriously. Like, we fucking understand political reality. We know that a good portion of Sander’s platform is going to be…
Undecided voter here who is trying hard not to get involved with internecine Democratic turf wars, but-
I believe that the right to refuse to serve is a fundamental human right.
Sure...we can always pay the poor to fight our wars, as we have since the Volunteer Army began.
That isn’t feasible. It is outrageously unlikely that we will never need it again. But in the event of global warfare, we must have a means of drafting our able-bodied to fight. I say this as the daughter of a conscientious objector who fought in court for his right not to go to war (he was the son of pastor, the…
move the goal posts much? first equality in military - now we want to abolish draft
It sounds fair to me. They need to take care of their rape problem first though.
As a woman, it is hard to argue for equality without agreeing that women should have to register. So bring it on. Give us the same rights and requirements as men.
Now that we are “allowed” in combat zones, I agree. Great us as full citizens.
Man, on the heels of B.o.B.’s bullshit earlier this week, it’s like everybody has to disagree with Newton.
Yuri Gagarin wasn’t the first man in space. The Soviets didn’t want to publicly fail with the world watching, so they secretly sent a bunch of guys before Yuri. Many of whom died.
That Donald Trump’s presidential campaign is a false flag designed to allow Hillary to coast into the White House.