
Didn’t you hear, they were all ANTIFA!

How about the ON DUTY cops who magically figured out how to de-escalate once their lives were actually in danger?

How come when they’re stopping a black guy for a tail light being out they’re afraid for their lives, but when they’re faced with an ACTUAL RIOT CHANTING TO KILL THEM, they magically remember de-escalation protocols?

Have you seen Vulpera? That’s pretty much exactly what they were going for.


So, my mom has a rule. Right wing family members are for camping and family reunions. Holidays are stressful enough without them being invited.

I have seen a lot of people spend more money on dumber things.

Not there yet, but when they do, it’s going to flip the fast food world on it’s head.

There’s also a big environmental factor.

The Meat Lobbys have been going after how faux-meat labels itself, up to and including lawsuits to prevent them from using the word “meat” in their description.

...maybe it was a free trial? Because they sure didn’t put a lot of effort into it.

It still holds to their previous standard of practically no money spent on ads.

Yeah, but removing it costs them practically nothing vs the PR cost of a video of some guy dropping the n-word while spraying nooses everywhere.

There’s a lot of young folks working for Microsoft/Google/Amazon/whoever living in a 2.5k/month 1 bedroom apartment in SF/Seattle/NYC. 100 bucks for a gun is chump change. It only takes 100 of them buying this to pay the salaries for the designers who worked on this.

I know exactly one good cop.

They specifically stepped into that arena (see what I did there?) without being prepared for it at all.

That case was decided with a 5-4 Liberal majority. The thinking seems to have been than they could just retry it with a different court makeup.

I know exactly 1 good cop. She quit because of rampant racism and sexism, and is working for Child Protective Services.

They seem to get a little crazier with the terrain, but the big difference is there’s no set left/right boundaries anymore.

Gorsuch is a rule lawyer of the highest order.