
1:51 — You can definitely see tears in his eyes.

Her horns killed it!

I don't even know who J ax is but I'm a little bit in love with him now.


The day Brazilian girls will be allowed to burn to death in their school because they're wearing too much clothing and, because, upon being rescued, they would offend the rescuers' eyes for wearing a shirt and skirt instead of a bikini, is the day when I believe Brazilian women are more oppressed.

Who would pay over $500 for a pair of sunglasses that aren't polarized and don't even have basic UV protection? I can get a better pair for under $15 at Target.

I don't know how heroin high looks like, but I have to agree with you, maybe its something else, some medical condition.

Real talk: Is it possible she's having a seizure? Maybe I'm the asshole for thinking people don't do heroin and then immediately get on a bus... I'm sure anyone who regularly takes public transportation would be happy to correct me.

She's divorced?

Dear Susan,
You're a relic of a bygone age dishing out advice to a generation you don't know or understand. Your book is an attempt to justify your life choices, even though your marriage didn't work out. (Shockingly.)

Now playing

She is lying about not having had plastic surgery done. A few years ago she was on a talk show with a "real life" Ken, and she was talking about the plastic surgery she has had. This is a youtube link showing pictures of her before and after...

Sorry to blow the scoop, but there have been quite a few people who have done this, and not surprisingly if they keep it up very long they die. Instead of it being a bit of gossip about the crazy girl in the crazy cult, it would be useful to see it for what it is — rationalization for anorexia because of our

What about sports like snowboarding? They have a similar competition in that athletes do tricks and get ranked on difficulty/variety/etc.

Excellent post, a lot of good points here. I admit that my dwindling interest in skating is mostly due to a lack of MKwan and the horrible judging system. Also, even if I wanted to watch it, I'd have to sign up for the Icenetwork to watch any live coverage. I miss all those years when commentators constantly asked


They are. It's exasperating.

Think of the seals. Sweater does not digest correctly.

A knitting book called Stitch N' Bitch Nation has a great pattern for dogs of all just have to measure the dog and then choose the small, medium, or large pattern. I knitted a medium one for my friend's Boston terrier, and it looks awesome! She also loved that it had sleeves and a turtleneck.

Wonder if this pattern would fit a chihuahua? I have a friend with 4 (FOUR) of them and she's asked me to knit them some sweaters, but I stink at figuring out sizes and stitches per inch and all the prep work. If this works, I'll be able to just grab my needles and go and she won't have chilly chihuahuas anymore.