
Impressive that he mustard up the effort to score that kind of goal against a crap squad like Dijon


The important litmus test when running for high office isn’t “are you rich?”

The central delusion of current America — people who make $50k see themselves as more aligned with those who make $500k than those who make $40k.

Or, you know, a real doctor/physical therapist.

Fucking sucks

Is he gonna tweet about this?

Drew didn’t say the best sportswriter, but the most powerful and influential and it’s hard to come up with a good counterpoint. There are many REALLY good sportswriters, but none can point to a grantland-level project let along multiple versions of it. Simmons is influential enough that ESPN though it was a good idea

Honestly, that might be the one position beyond the back line he absolutely, 100% knows what to do with:

“And in my case, it’s not really hindsight, because I both predicted a pass and a slant and an incompletion to the people watching with me.”

A failed run wouldn’t have ended the game;I believe they still had a TO and would have had around 20 seconds of game time.

The timing can always make no sense, when you want it to make no sense.

Coutinho was brought in as eventual full time replacement for an aging Iniesta, they can use him now to wrap up Liga and compete for the Copa del Rey while resting/rotating Iniesta who will be deployed for the Champions League.

Next time, I’ll make sure to murder your childhood afterwards. It’s better that way.

They’ve never had both.

I think it’s reasonable to assume that, as this has probably never been done before, it took her some time to come up with it.

Disagree that either Snoke as a character or Rey’s background were actually set up as a mystery in TFA... it’s more the internet that made them so. (Seems fair to say that JJ probably did see Snoke being more involved in 8 and 9 and not cut down early though.)

It’s kind of ridiculous. I’m probably in the minority but I don’t agree that Rey’s family is a “mystery box” at all in TFA — I didn’t read anything in the film as suggesting Rey was anything but abandoned.

Fair enough, as well. They didn’t build the statue; I was wrong. I know how easy it is to come to accord without being condescending. This is not necessarily an example, but I know how to do it, if met in kind.

“Accused domestic abuser and Uruk-hai chieftain Terrell Suggs”