Ah yes, the ol’ “tell someone to do something illegal in many states before you’ll listen to them” gambit.
Ah yes, the ol’ “tell someone to do something illegal in many states before you’ll listen to them” gambit.
My family consists of Eastern European immigrants. When they hear about “socialist” candidates they basically break out in hives because it reminds them of the type of governments that they left decades ago. They would never have voted for Sanders in a billion billion years simply because he refers to himself in those…
I mean, I don’t really disagree with him in this instance.
Socialism is surging in popularity in America as young voters recognize the raw deals that underpin capitalism.
The most charitable take on this is that he was naive about the political connotations of the photo op.
You’re a fucking idiot.
That’s pretty harsh for the only guy on that squad before Aspas’s introduction that made any attempt to break through the Russian line. I don’t fault the guy at all for the dribbles. He was, for a huge stretch, the only attacking initiative.
On a more direct level, the shit you just regurgitated in this reply sounds like it was written by Serena’s PR people. I don’t know who you are, but you are either the most gullible person on the planet or you literally are working to try to spin the perception of this situation. In another place in the comments of…
You don’t actually think anyone suspects Serena of doping? This is so insane of a statement that I honestly wonder if you are paid to come in here and try to defend Serena.
I seriously admire the lengths you are going to want to believe these athletes are clean. It is right in front of your face, but you still see it and say...well maybe she’s just genetically gifted and crazy about privacy. I mean those are some serious mental gymnastics you are doing. This is the second public story…
Hogwash. If this is even slightly accurate, it is if anything strong proof that performance enhancing drugs are widespread across all sport. The human body has not fundamentally changed, nor has sport. What has changed is our ability to scientifically enhance athletes through performance enhancing drugs.
There’s a first for everything — nobody before you has ever called themselves “Balkan”. You can admit you’re Serbian, be proud of your ethnicity.
WOW. I was not expecting an “actually genocide is good” take in the comments, but here we are. I’m impressed. +1 just on audacity alone.
Wow I bet you’re a Balkan/European quiz wizard. Actually the hand symbol only means what it looks like. It’s suppose to mean a double headed eagle. Nothing more. Aside from your only right comment about things coming to light about Bosnians and Albanians in tribunal hearings. Everything thing else was what you read…
Fuck the Serbs. We both know they find the double headed eagle offensive because either they dislike the reminder of their genocidal past or they are still a bunch of nationalist, racist, fascist pricks who deserve the whole world to look at them with contempt. Again, fuck the Serbs.
“insane promotion of free speech rights”...do you even read what you write?
Your assumption that time is actually linear, instead of simply how we perceive it, shows your knowledge of physics is as limited as your knowledge of American jurisprudence. You may want to do some research into Relativity.
I think your fundamental failure to understand the American legal system is at the root of your problem. You’re arguing about something you do not understand and, obviously, that hinders your ability to talk intelligently about the issue.