
That lion is not in a suitable habitat, is not being fed in a realistic or beneficial manner and the dog (not to mention the human) is being put at serious risk. Isn't this also the zoo being investigated for lion cub deaths?

I usually LOVE the cute animal videos here, but this one makes me so uncomfortable.

Oh dear Cute, but that's one sorry looking lion...

Awww, what a nice get-me-the-fuck-outta-here fence lean.

I get the temptation to be all "aww," I really do, but seriously, at any moment that lion could just decide, "mmm, a snack," and all it would be doing was acting like a lion.

They sure are playing fast and loose with that dog's life.

Yeah I can't work out how to edit posts in order to clarify better. For the record, since the comment I've been doing some reading, and I won't pretend that my 30 minute research overrides the personal experiences and beliefs of an actual Latvian, but there is a large problem in Latvia with women's rights, as there is

Brit here.

"'I'm a man.' why don't you stop caving to social pressure, you silly womenzz!!!"

I think most people would like to do whatever the fuck they want, while most Feminists would like to overthrow the Patriarchy, but ok...

Tiara's not doing her any favors.

Again: Free choices. Gots to celebrate all the free choices.

It doesn't matter what they call themselves. They're empowered and making choices so they're feminists.

He's male? That's it? Okay then Ann Coulter. Phyllis Schlafly. Laura Schlessinger. Lila Rose. These are empowered women making choices all full of agency.

Whoa - stop the presses.

Miley Cyrus does whatever the fuck she wants, and loves every minute of it. Isn't that what Feminists wish they could do?

Yes, because the true definition of feminism is spending all day and night desperately seeking attention with the world's lamest behavior. Thanks for clarifying what the definition of feminism is. Bu that definition Kim Kardashian is also a feminist. Doesn't she do whatever she wants too?

Patriarchy is attempting to redefine feminism, and it's doing it right under your noses. Worse still, you're buying it!

Miley, and anyone else contributing to this 'if we take our clothes off and twerk on men, then that makes us sexy, cool, empowered and feminist', or anything similar then they ARE setting us back.

It's ill defined and not a cohesive school of thought put forward by a large number of feminists likely because anyone who has put some thought into it abandons the concept altogether. It seems to be most popular with younger people who don't have much real world experience. But basically it seems to go something like