The "Oh but I'm not like that! None of my FRIENDS are like that!" line is such a load of horse shit. Any man not standing up against this shit is part of the problem.
The "Oh but I'm not like that! None of my FRIENDS are like that!" line is such a load of horse shit. Any man not standing up against this shit is part of the problem.
MRAs who whine about not being allowed to go around punching women in the face do so on the basis that "we're supposed to be equal." Antifeminists think men and women are equal just that women need to get out of the paid workforce and do all the unpaid domestic labor and child rearing. Even bonafide liberals "believe"…
Is is possible? I suppose it is possible. I do not consider it likely though. And even if they do actually do stuff, it's still pretty shitty of them to jump in and try to take over, they should know better.
I'm going to maintain, if they were serious about combating bigotry, they wouldn't feel the invade to invade safe spaces and derail the conversation, they'd you know...actually go do stuff.
And there's nothing wrong with being male. There is a problem with being a misogynist jerk wad. And you do not have to be male to be a misogynist jerk wad. Or a rapist. Not all men rape, certainly, that goes without saying. All rapists rape. So the next time you feel tempted to say "not all men rape", how about…
1) Dan, he makes good points sometimes, but goddamn can he be irritating and problematic.
Standing up TO OTHER MEN would be a good start, not standing up and shouting down women who are telling stories about our lived experiences.
I think the funniest thing of all might be all the butthurt men in here saying that this isn't funny because FOR ONCE they are the butt of a joke.
Because we all KNOW it's "not all men." Do you think that oppressed groups don't know that they have allies amongst their oppressors? Of course they do. But you're not an ally just for saying you are one. That isn't enough. It's the babiest of baby steps, usually used in place of actually espousing those beliefs in…
HEY LADIEZ! Did you hear that? We can all go home now. Men and woman are equally privileged finally (equally BUT differently privileged)! Time to put the fire out in my bra burning barrel.
You aren't responsible for being born male. You are responsible for recognizing that being born male gives you privilege. You are responsible for not using that privilege to either participate in misogyny or turn a blind eye to it. That's the point of the meme.
It feel like a lot of people in the comments are missing the point here, and are against the idea of this meme. My own opinion about the point of this meme:
I definitely believe that you rush in to defend women and POC just as much as you "not all men." Totally.
Yes! This is exactly what I thought of, because his argument is spot on. Either you're speaking out against it or you're complicit. If you are one of the ones speaking up then obviously this isn't about you. Be an ally in words and actions and you will assuredly be seen as such. Then you'll never have to worry about…
No, sweets, you're #justadumbassbigot
A corollary pops up in comments on articles about motherhood: "there are stay at home dads too" as if motherhood isn't worthy of discussion in its own right without including men