
Exactly, Facebook has a long history of aiding and promoting violence against women. This is sadly not unexpected.

The promotion and glorification of sexual violence against women isn't considered hate speech? And here I thought it was exactly that issue that led Catharine MacKinnon to champion hate speech legislation.

Why would facebook care?

I know we are all supposed to be "porn friendly" and "sex worker" supportive but this whole story and woman is a poster child for why that kind of work is effed up.

This made me cry. We know for a fact that she's a good actress, but you can't really fake being nice to that level. She comes across as somebody who really likes people.
She has her back to the camera the whole time and she doesn't look like she gives a shit.

So being objectified and treated like a piece of sexual meat might be bad for a person's spirit? Maybe sex work isn't as empowering as some will have you believe. The fact that she swore so vehemently to her children that she would never go back to the industry leads me to think she wasn't as happy doing porn as she

Being nice doesn't seem to be the promotion-killer for men that it does for women. I've seen nice guys get the corner office but the only women I've seen promoted into higher-level management are the ones who are real witches. The nice women either get stuck in mid-level management for the rest of their careers or

I'm going to amend this list to say 3: Knows what I'm doing in the workplace, and not in my house when I'm not on company time.

I don't get it. Where's the nudity? The drugs? The trips to rehab? The car accidents? The drunken upskirt photos?

This story's been up for ten minutes and there's already multiple Grey trolls smack talking about how she got old/ugly. Classy guys, way to make those MRA Fedora wearers proud.

Yesterday, they had an article on the front page about how women's competitiveness fuels evolution but isn't always noticed because it's often passive aggressive instead of direct aggression like men. It linked up to the modern mean girls and bullies we see today.

I really don't care as long as said boss
1. Treats me like a damn human.
2. Is accessible.
3. Knows about what I'm doing.
4. Doesn't smell funny.

I don't like working for women. I also don't like working for men. I pretty much hate all bosses and have complete contempt for all forms of workplace authority. This is why I'd rather spend 100 hours filling out forms and pay dearly out the nose every year at tax time because being an independent contractor is the

Elephants are often horribly abused in zoos (or at the least, their needs neglected), and they are always abused in circuses. So yes, most of them probably do fear and hate humans, and it is never a surprise to me when one of them goes "mad" and attacks a zoo keeper.

Dear Jezebel: There is a huge difference between being bitten and being mauled to death. Also, please learn to write articles that are actually informative, as opposed to just dull space-fillers that say nothing. Where was she bitten? How severely? How many times? By which cat? Was she alone in the cat's enclosure?

Although, the sanctuary was probably filled with cats abandoned by owners who came to view them as expensive, dangerous, or simply inconvenient. No one should own a big cat.

This is very true. I work in D.C. on animal welfare legislation and work on big cat related issues. These animals should never be in direct contact with humans- they are unpredictable and dangerous. That said- having them in unregulated facilities across the U.S. (there are estimates ranging from between 10-20,ooo big

1. The NY "illegal surveillance" statute criminalizes recording people without their consent while they are naked, partially naked (such that their private parts are in view), undressing (ie as in a bathroom or store fitting room) or performing sexual acts in a place where they have a "reasonable expectation" of

Haha, that bitch! You're probably right. Geeze, I feed her, I walk her, I pick up her poop. HE takes her to the vet and the groomer... There's the problem. I'm clearly her slave, and he is clearly in charge of her.

Odds are, she takes your husband as the leader of the pack and herself as second in command, so responsible for guarding you when he's not around.