
That's funny. It's almost as if the "people on this site" are rarely the target demographic for anything. It's almost as if the "people on this site" are marginalized in that respect; their voices dismissed when they're offended. It's almost as if the "people on this site" don't want horrendous racist, sexist,

She's empowered! Empowered to help them all achieve their goals through the sheer force of their own entitlement...

It becomes painfully clear that these guys are a mess without her.

Lazy joke writing from Seth Macfarlane? Well, I nev...always.

"I’ll give you something to tear your ass in two."

Men don't expect already mothers to be/return to hot. Once you have a child, your sexual market value essentially drops to zero.

Thank you. I too rolled my eyes so much during this article I could see my brain.

If men want to "breed with the good genes," it doesn't make sense that you'd only want to mate with someone pre-baby. She still has the same genes, even after several babies. Even if her body changes due to pregnancy. It's not like those get altered when the baby comes out.

"Internet vigilantes fueled the outrage by insisting the rape was orchestrated by Saltsman as revenge and covered up by town leaders to protect their Big Red superstars.

I lived in small towns in Texas like Steubenville. Frankly, the small town mindset makes HeeHaw, Green Acres, and the Beverly Hillbillies look like Masterpiece Theater. The Saltsman kid is the "kindest kid you'll ever meet"? Sorry sweetie, but that's a dead giveaway on total lack of perspective...

This doesn't even work using nonsensical evopsych babble. If most married couples only had one child and no one was willing to marry young widows, our population would have tanked a long time ago.

I have written about this in the past on Jezebel. I know that much of sexuality (most, in fact) is how you feel about yourself but from my view of my wife - and our 20+ years of marriage and 4 kids (including a twin pregnancy) - I am like your dude. I love her. And lust her. I don't look like I did when we first got

yup, yup. and there's no porn search for "MILF"! FACT!

I know. I love how the damage is somehow related to Jane Doe and the media and not caused by the boys. It was a town tragedy, but the tragedy should be that the assault happened, not that they had to talk about it.

Spoken like a true virgin.

is that true when the victim is supposed to be anonymous? Genuine question.

Can I just clarify in case anyone has the good grace to read comments before responding? "Both she and her parents declined Jezebel's request for comment," to me indicates that a reporter called the person directly. As her name was suposed to be confidential, I would view this as out of line (and as someone who has

ok that's good to know. The way you didn't isn't at all untoward and I appreciate that (and sorry that I implied or assumed you just looked up her phone number). But what was your game plan if you got in touch? Especially when someone had just told you she wanted it all to go away? I don't know, I get that you

You contacted her for a comment? That seems at best out of line, no? She's a minor who was raped. Her name is supposed to be confidential and even if it was accidentally revealed in the media due to an unscrubbed video, did you really want to ask her questions about whether the town should be absolved of guilt?