
If he did it to a fellow police officer, he's done it before. She probably threatened to release all of the skeletons from his closet and promised to keep an eye on him going forward.

If he found a way to incapacitate her sooner, then she could have made a dumb decision to trust him without making it a baffling decision. If she untied him so he could show her his friends body, and they were by a set of stairs and he knocked her down. I'd be way more okay with that, but it almost felt like a bugs

Why should I care how much weight my opinion holds? It's fine if you disagree or don't value it, but your response won't make me less apt to share it. What she did was objectively dumb. That's fact. How much it annoys someone is subjective. You can give her a pass if you want based on your experience with the

It's oversimplification to say Marlo *just* moved into the…but that's off-topic anyway.
I don't have an inherent problem with the historical references as I do with the boss constantly talking about it to people who he either plans to kill or believes to be beneath him. I'm sure they wouldn't want to write him with a

I haven't seen anyone except her make a decision that stupid in season 5. It was so stupid it was hard to relate to. People tell me that people have done worse in previous seasons, but I didn't really get interested in watching again until I heard news of Carol's badassery in episode 1. I can't disagree with you

Like…POI doesn't have to be the Wire, but they run the risk of drawing comparisons by having a famous villain from that show in its principle cast. The Wire had a good way of presenting intelligent, dignified characters without having to pump their dialogue with stereotypical smart guy rhetoric. Eh, POI is still great

Dominic's shtick is annoying me considering who his number 2 is. I don't mind the actor being a number 2, but Dominic's chattiness and rhetoric may annoy me more because the actor that played the quiet, inscrutable Marlo is standing right there. Marlo was smart, but he didn't drone incessantly about empire-building

gotcha. For whatever reason, I didn't even notice how much that guy was groomed and dressed like Frank until you mentioned it just now. You're kinda right to have expected something more. It was a bit weird to be liquored up in the middle of making out with some guy, and then think, "Nah, I want some Asher dick." Part

I don't think it was Machiavellian although it might have been. I just assumed she thought Asher was a sweet kid, and she wanted to bang one out. I didn't think there was anything complicated about it.

Long time reader first time watcher, this show is so annoying. I tapped out after maybe 10 minutes. I'll give it credit for realism. All the credit in the world.

Whatever happened to Morgan? Why what what happened to that guy? Is he seriously just chilling somewhere near the group as they dealt with the remaining Terminus members and split off in their various directions?

Also, what happened to that masked man Morgan from 5e1?

you and most people, mister. Now, you make me think it would be fun to give all celebrities that section in their wiki

I remember reading a lot of complaints about Lori and Andrea. With Lori, I wonder how different things would have been if she was just straight up with Rick about what happened say…two days after Rick got back? I know that's not the only complaint people had, but I do wonder.

There should be a section in each character's wiki titled "dumb decisions".

different for me, I watched part of the first season kept reading reviews, then picked it back up when they started talking about Carol being a badass. So I actually haven't watched most of them do anything really dumb.

Also glad they let someone have a sense of humor on this show.

The hostages idea was a solid one. Counting on Dawn valuing 3 of her officers more than 2 of her inmates is a better bet than counting on a bunch of batman silent takedowns. For non lethal takedowns, we have to assume that they have enough zip ties, that everyone can apply a proper choke hold or strike someone with


That's only one aspect of her stupidity. Her target was literally melted onto the road. She could have tied the guy back onto something before taking her shot.
Also, why would she believe that he recognized a specific person among the melted people? All of the melted people we saw had no hair, no clothes, and were