
There are stories about AI where the AI is specifically created in a "in man's own image", but POI has consistently talked about how AI are supposed to be so different from us with such drastically different values so there's cognitive dissonance for me when one of the AI begins to sound a lot like a lot of human

Yeah, I loved Moon.

Asami would have cheated on him for Korra, and that might have been more heart breaking.

Only when I'm in it
- Meelo

That has less to do with Mako and more to do with the fact that you can't blame anybody for choosing Korra/Asami over Mako. Mako never had a chance.

the review could have easily covered both

+1 for "Damn, gurl"

Nobody cares.

Bolin officiating is probably the most fun detail about that.

If we see Korra again, and it's not heavily implied that she had a long romantic relationship with Asami, I will riot.

Based on the strength of the last two seasons, I would gladly help fund their next project with a kickstarter type dealio. What network would you put it on though? Hulu, Netflix, but I don't know of a tv network that would be completely on board with letting them do what they do best.

You may just TLDR me, and I understand, but I'm really trying to edit this down to keep it short.
Anyway, I don't think we can agree because you're missing my central problem. This AI is behaving more like Dr. Doom and less like something non human. If you're going to make an AI killey, you don't also have to make it

That's just not true. If humans manufacture a bacteria in a lab or a dog or whatever, no one would expect it to have human emotions, but you make something that can talk and you expect it to act like a douchebag. AI are always these fearsome things in sci fi but they tend to have these limitations that will ultimately

I have no problem with that. I have a problem with its personality. Sure, kill all humans, but there's no rule that says you can't have the personality of Bender or Taylor Swift while you're doing it. Evil AI always adopt this haughty paternalistic persona. Samaritan could simply say, "I'm better at keeping them safe

I have no problem with the idea that they will decide that some humans need to die. I just have a problem with the way we personify them. They always behave like paternalistic dicks. There's no reason Samaritan couldn't do Samaritan things and have a personality like Taylor Swift. Samaritan is supposed to be this

I have no problem with an AI having objectives. I have a problem with it having human emotions about human beings. What are emotions to an AI? Why do evil AI always have to get so uppity about doing their thing? An AI could have any personality, but when it comes to personifying them they always sound like Disney

I have a problem with how we tend to "personify" AI in sci fi. I don't know if personify is the right word, but Samaritan seems to have human-like disdain for humans. The Machine "caring" for its agents makes sense to me because its agents help it fulfill it's objectives to a degree, but why would an AI develop

? Did you not see the end of the episode? I didn't think his identity was ambiguous. It also seemed like Dr. Wells sabotaged Reverse Flash containment.

"I need Barry Allen." Me too Joe! It's getting dusty in here.

I hate Reina so much. From the jump, I wanted that girl dead. It would be a real present to me if they killed her off asap.