
I absolutely laughed out loud mostly because they decided to name the episode after the song Charlie died to.

I liked this episode, but I also like your comment.

I literally laughed out loud when Charlie passed out and the music started playing and it was the title of the episode. This wasn't a bad episode, but that wasn't fair to name it after the song that they were going to play. I'm sure it was thematically appropriate, but it literally made me guffaw. Charlie had a heart

You're supposed to rate the episode not the comments section!

Fitz and Simmons can burn in ship hell.

I do have the gym on the brain, but that's a very non-sexual Freudian slip

kinda yeah, but you don't want a gathering interrupted by walkers on some neutral ground you agreed on. Walkers show up and it's another opportunity for things to turn into a blood bath if one side feels opportunistic. So the ground is not as neutral as you'd like but you don't really have the additional threat of

with no certainty of victory

Noah is aware of how many officers there are. They're down three. Boxing them in might be feasible, but you'd still have a blood bath.

why would you say no offense? too polite, down-voted (but no really cuz who does that) #freetodd

This isn't an answer to your question, but Maggie seemed to be wearing a kick ass brassiere this episode.
In answer to your question, they had a weird will they won't they…I stopped caring enough to finish this sentence…there must be a wiki. I'm sorry for being rude ha but I don't…okay, I'm back. So Maggie embarrassed

Who the fuck is Libby? Don't answer that.

This particular episode was the most masturbatory I'd seen in a while. So many moments where I was wondering, "Who is this for?" I know he likes doing it, but is there still an audience that is gleeful about Sorkinisms with no regard for plot or character or normal human behavior.

You did a good job explaining why you didn't care for it. I can't make you care for it and there's no reason you should have enjoyed it as much as I did. However, it just worked for me. I don't think I could give you a satisfying explanation why but everything just seemed pretty straight forward and they created an

Well if you believe that Rick had already decided to kill him when he hit him with his car then yeah I guess it wasn't a mercy killing. It was self preservation though. I guess I just have a problem with the word execution. I'm not saying it's the wrong word though.

Yeah it was a dumb decision and she's a dumb teenager. I don't find it hard to swallow that should would do something drastic like that. I don't think you're wrong to be frustrated. It just didn't hit me the way it hit you. In the mini arc of Dawn and Beth, it seemed a fitting end to the two of them in a Shakespearean

Yeah, as long as you come in alone and hobbled cuz they hit you with their car first. When do you think the hospital has ever had to deal with 6? seasoned killers ready to spill blood with hostages in tow. I don't think Noah or the rest of the people in the hospital ever had to deal with a group of people like that

I think it was a more efficient use of time to hit him with the car. They had a plan in place that didn't involve Bob tipping off his buddies. The longer Rick was out there chasing Bob and trying to force him back in the car, the more chance a patrol comes by at the wrong time and fucks everything up. I dunno what

I think Michonne maybe should have started stabbing through that slit in the door.

Beth was willing to die to give Noah his freedom the first time, and really didn't want Dawn to get her way. I think her snapping is understandable. Sure, it's not practical.