
Only when i'm reading. Even reaching a new chapter can't stop me.

I've been doing this lately and suffering for it. But late at night, when the rest of the family goes to bed, it feels like a luxury or a sacred time when I have quiet and space to myself. I guess I could go to sleep earlier and wake up earlier, but that's just crazy talk.

Am I an Old now? Because this does NOT seem to be an issue for myself and my friends.

I'm sorry, but most of that is the utter financial fantasy bullshit that remains willfully ignorant of the nature of employment, the economy, and even education. "Vanquish" student debt by 30? Maybe if you went to a state school as a resident and managed to be in a field where you could find a career without needing

$25,000 saved up? By 30? At this rate, I'll be lucky to have $25k saved up by the time I'm 60!

Someone always makes this comment. This is a nitpick, imo. We've gotten to the point where these terms are interchangeable. App is just shorthand for application.

I have the opposite problem. I automatically say no to almost everything. When asked, I usually really don't want to do whatever it is, but if I'm forced to I usually end up enjoying the activity.

This would so not work for me. I am much better at dealing with doing something if I have time to plan for it. If everything was "tomorrow" I would just be stressed about it and do nothing.

As many others seems to do, we also started doing that on rather regular basis, just to add variety (and yes at some point we did realize how much meat costs). We also try the "meat as a side" philosophy where we would split a chicken breast or even a steak between the two of us and have much more veggies or other

I've been doing this for the last 20 years. I would've mentioned it earlier but I thought it was common knowledge and everyone was doing it.

Having trouble getting chips out of the chip bag are we? Perhaps you should talk with this guy who also seems to struggle from a chip eating problem that so desperately needs a lifehack solution.

I know they get paid by the post...but this is really scraping...

Varies by the area & available providers. We cut our bill in half by going down to internet-only with Bright House Networks (the only cable provider in some Michigan areas). When we moved, we went internet-only with WOW and paid $50/mo for a 30Mbps downstream connection that has so far handled all the streaming &

Let me correct this for you:

Everyone has different levels of clean and messy. I've seen clean people think their house is messy if not everything is put away that day. I've also seen people that just don't clean ever. My family always considers it courteous to clean if someone is coming over out of respect to that person, not out of fear of

These are all good tips. I recently had to redo my budget after moving with my boyfriend to a larger, more expensive apartment further away from my job. Rent went up, gas spending went up, utility bills went up. We had to sit down together and say "this is what we HAVE to spend, this is what we have for income, let's


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Eh, I think it just depends on the needs of the person buying it. If I went to the one of the many thrift stores here in Madison and found your old Makita it would probably be selling for $9.99 at most. I would love to have a cordless drill, but don't use one often enough to warrant spending $150 or more on a good

I think you need to know a little bit of knowledge regarding the brands you are buying but generally this is sound advice.