
One thing important to remember is that your journal doesn't have to be a daily affair! You don't have to get all of the minutae of every single day down - you can get the same benefits by journaling weekly, or monthly, or anytime you really feel the desire to write, or when you have something to say. :)

All journals need to either start off with "Captain's log...." or "My name is Michael Westin, and I used to be a spy until ....."

While I'm not sure I would use this idea for travelling, it is a common practice among lightweight backpackers. But there is a far better and cheaper way to accomplish this process.

Always wait for a Steam sale before buying a game. I've discovered over the past year that pretty much ALL the games are massively discounted at some point. I seriously regret buying Bioshock Infinite at full price on launch day only to see if go on sale for half off within weeks of being launched...

Vaccinations take about two weeks to take effect. He very well may have had the flu before he was vaccinated, or contracted it shortly after in an unrelated incident. In addition, you are only vaccinated against the most prevalent strains of the flu, not all.
As to the poor soul who passed away, what you've conveyed

What would cause those? Crappy anecdotes and second hand stories passed through multiple people? That's my guess at least, given the complete lack of pertinent details.

You're blaming the very stupid decision to not get immunized by very stupid people on the government. Nice work.

My boyfriend and I don't agree on our answers to all of these questions but you know what, we're going to make it anyway. We're going to do it the same way our grandparents' generation did by just sucking it up and sticking together out of spite all the way though the lovey-dovey stage, into the annoyed stage, and

My god. STFU all (most) of you. and try to understand the world outside of your own little microcosm of willfully biased ignorance. the military isn't all good, it isn't all bad. It's not all killing, it's not all fostering diplomacy. Yes, travel is awesome for some, many of whom wouldn't otherwise have access to

Never been on vacation, and will probably never be able to afford it. Ironically, the only travelling I do is to and from my minimum wage job

Don't worry, I'll make up for the lack. My to-read pile.

And a paper book cannot replicate the feeling of a Kindle. So what? Neither is superior regarding the actual content.

Grapefruit and grapefruit juice interact with a wide range of medicines, increasing their concentration in the bloodstream. That increase is dangerous for some of the meds. The effect can last for more than 24 hours, so you can't have grapefruit juice at breakfast and then take some of these meds ad dinnertime.

That was undoubtedly his normal writing style. That blackletter style above demonstrates what standard script at the time was like.

Lately, mostly I do physical therapy. The exercises are dull and repetitive but keep my shoulder from degenerating (yay getting old). It takes twenty minutes a day, which is just about enough time to watch a sitcom with the commercials edited out.

I had no idea how many knitters were on Lifehacker :)

Depends on what it is. If it's an intense show that actually requires attention, I sit there, usually with the lights out, doing nothing but watching TV. I'll even pause the show if I want to text or whatever (rather than doing both).

However, if it's a show that doesn't really require my full attention (either it

Well, first, I wouldn't underestimate some of the "could" dishes. :) They can taste just as good, depending on what you value most in the dish. :)

These qualifiers may be overused or annoying, but I rarely hear them used in a deceitful manner. They're often used due to a speech habit or to soften a message that may be hurtful to a recipient you care about. If you read the article it's complete garbage and the associations between these phrases and the "lies"

Every time this topic comes up I feel compelled to warn that, as of last year in Salinas v. Texas, you must invoke your fifth amendment right to silence, even if you're not under arrest. Just not answering won't cut it. Total punk move, SCOTUS.