
My hair is quickly approaching the beyond-annoying fingertip length... I dream of one day just shaving it all off. Maybe I will...

Yeah, this whole "can't do anything so teach" thing has got to die. I was reading in earnest until I got to that, and then I just skimmed the rest of the article. Seriously, anyone who puts THAT as one of the "top 20 insults" should do some soul-searching.

That's phenomenal!

I think a lot of that depends on your particular basement, too.

Our house is 100+ years old and we were toying with finishing out the basement; we have rock & mortar walls/foundation. After living here for a year, we found that our basement would flood whenever we got really heavy rains — the water table would rise

I find that when I get stuck in the middle of a project, cleaning up my workspace helps. Something about it just being clean and fresh seems to reboot something in my brain that then lets me work again. I also like cleaning up at the end of a project - cataloging and filing and really cleaning down the workspace with

You can sometimes find clove oil in 'toothache packs' at pharmacies like CVS. Mine came with some clove oil, some gauze, and some long tweezer things for helping put the gauze in your mouth.

Clove oil is also good for euthanizing pet fish, if you need to. Much more humane than sticking them in the freezer or flushing

What do you have against fountain pens?

What about when your job lays you off via e-mail? And not even a direct e-mail, but a forward of a forward? That happened to my entire department once, and my immediate supervisors didn't even know. We all came in saying "wtf is this?" and they had no clue...

D'oh. That should say "720p" ... my life for an edit button.

I actually have a BenQ W710ST projector; It's short-throw and 780p, but my husband and I do use it to play games. I find it's fantastic, unless you're playing fighters or FPSs. There's a slight amount of lag that if you spend hours and hours and hours playing them you'll notice. My husband says he notices it a lot

Actually, building a multitouch table was my reasoning behind purchasing a projector. I did it, and then I ended up having to disassemble it (not enough space in the house, and some of our remodeling plans fell through so the space it would have gone into never coalesced). Now the projector is mounted firmly to my

I've suggested this a few times, and it always falls on deaf ears... Also thought splitting it into multiple calendars would be cool, so we only really looked at what we liked (I personally don't really care about the TV shows, but I do care about the books). I guess there's not high enough demand.

I'm in New England, and this sounds in no way typical of our 4th of July food...

Instant heart attack on a plate! My husband and I split one when they first came out... it was so delicious, but so bad for you, we made a vow to never have one again.

I find that often the keys to a good experience are politeness, patience, and being specific (much like the article states). Cancelling service is a pretty specific example, but there are plenty of other reasons to contact support where the same principles apply; for example: Over this past weekend, one of the devices

One the one hand, I think this is good — they weren't very good at producing their own tablets, and it was a slowly sinking ship. Now that they have someone to take over production that can produce a quality product, maybe people won't be so hesitant to buy a nook (though, to be fair, I have nothing but praise for

I'd be a peach tree, if I could. :)

Make me into a tree or a whindchime. I love windchimes, and I like the idea of being embodied into something I love. I'm also pretty practical; even my hobbies are practical, and I can't abide things in my house that don't really have a use — in that vein, being fertilizer for a tree is incredibly appealing.

I have a love/hate relationship with repairing things. If whatever it is I'm working on is similar enough to a computer, I have no problems with ripping it down and tinkering and fixing. But the farther and farther away you get, the less and less comfortable I am; mostly because I know that I know just enough to be

I don't know if you've used it, but when you're looking at a book, there's a little section of the page that says "Get a Copy", and there's a link to "More". If you click that "more" link, it'll go out and price-check across about 20 sites.