
@sepirioth: Yep. I'm using a PS2 controller with a USB converter. So much easier than playing with the keyboard.

Absolutely. I love syncing across multiple platforms/OSes seamlessly and taking it on the go via firefox portable. I don't use another browser besides firefox, and I'm old and crotchety and set in my ways too much to try every browser that comes out nowadays. I'd pay $10 a year.

@phydeaux98038: Here's a second recommendation for Tasker. I have it set up in much the same way for going to my classes at college — When I'm in range of my school's wifi, my phone automatically goes to vibrate. When I'm in the range of the wifi and it's during a class, my phone will turn itself to silent and

@DarkSolstice: I wouldn't like to see my monitors dueling at home either. Sounds like it could get... messy.

@JoshRogan: Great. Now, how does that help us know when the next bus will arrive at a stop? I mean, I'm pretty sure I didn't have a train come by my house every morning...

@ipodless: Intrepid! Ibexes (Ibexen? Ibexii?) are always intrepid!

I use it selectively. I'm not going to check in to every place I've been in a day, but for some things it's actually useful - such as going to the gym. I don't have a local 'gym buddy' so I often find myself going alone. That can make a person pretty damn unmotivated, so I use foursquare + facebook to keep up with

@mimigoliath: I was told by a recruiter last week that the words "batch processing" are apparently key words... Maybe that would help? Just toss it around a little bit. Sneak it in you cover letter somewhere. :)

If you just want a template and don't want the hassle of going to a shop or making pages with perforations, here's the template that I made/use. There's two: One for the front side of a page and one for the back.

@w00tmonger: I should add that if you reuse the brad folders (or binder) from semester to semester, your cost of the notebooks then should equal just the cost of a pack of paper... the initial cost for me was $15 for 6 folders and 1 pack of 500-count paper. The paper itself was 5.00, and I got the heavy-duty plastic

@w00tmonger: I think they go a little overboard with binding it and making the pages perforated. You can do the same by getting a brad folder and a 3-hole punch, printing out the pages, and then using the folder like a notebook. If you really decide to back up the pages by scanning, you can do one of two things: 1)

@Mattizzle: That's gorgeous! I have a 29 gal freshwater open-top myself, and a small 10 gal freshwater/tetra tank. I'd like to play around with a coral tank one day, but I don't have the money or the knowledge yet. One day...

@bettse: Macy's has some of the cheapest tailors I've seen, and they do pretty decent work.

@Deathbearer: Try having that (or slightly less - 92*F with the heat index) and no central air.

@crackerjackheart: THIS. My fiance was wearing shirts two sizes too big, and would never take his dress pants to get tailored because "it cost too much"... he ended up walking on the heels of his pants and ruining them, making him look more like a shmuck than anything else. I was horrified to let him out of the house

I agree with this wholeheartedly. I'm unemployed, so saving money is top priority for me. We've cut back on just about everything — from eating out to our cable package, to what kind of food we buy for the house, how often we (or if we even) buy books/games.

I don't care if the iPhone is coming to Verizon — and I've wanted an iPhone for awhile now. But with the way that Apple handled the antenna debacle, blaming customers and then trying to prove that their design doesn't have a flaw by the "droid antenna issue" video... they've lost me as a potential customer.

Make a blanket. You'll have to store a lot of your old t-shirts until you get enough to make one, but the hubby and I have a t-shirt blanket made by his mother from all of his old t-shirts from when he was a boy in high school. It's a great piece/snapshot of my hubby during that time, AND it's amazingly warm during

@pen.suhl: Then it's definitely your battery — there's no reason for a battery to die *that* quickly.