Red Herring

I never seen someone who looks like their soul has been crushed. That risks taken yielded terrible results. It's like their saying this man next to me is evil and you see it all and are doing nothing. I need help! Save me from this nightmare. The darkness has arrived. I shall leave my body. Enough on the Pope.

Every studio should say "look if the character sexuality isn't brought up in any way, said character is gay".

Her excuse is was only meant to be shared privately? At this point her lawyer should closed their briefcase and walked out of the court.

"What was name of that guy who did the videos of your sister's wedding? Steve! The one with that lighting bolt on the side of his van. See if he can do it." WB Executive.

Great! Now Sean Spicer is going to have to release a statement about how they are very much in love and in no way shape or form does she sit in a dark room researching book deals and divorce lawyers while her husband angrily tweets.

Sometimes I listen to Hannity on long drives. And you know what? I feel good about myself afterwards. This man just has away about him which makes me feel that more matter how stupid or detached from the world I might feel at times, I can always say "at least I'm not Hannity". I salute him!

250 lbs? May if your Kate Moss. Stop fat shaming us! I want my weight in shrimp and I want it to fit in my basket on my motorized scooter.

Come on Pope show us your happy face!
Pope: This is my happy face.

Thank you FCC for standing up for free speech. On an unrelated note can I just write FCC in the "to" portion of this check instead writing the whole thing out. I also wrote payoff in the memo section and crossed the bribe part.

I want to pitch a new Chicago show. It's called Chicago Pizza. Hey! Get back here and listen to my pilot! Okay, so we have a retired crime scene investigator who opens a pizza pallor with his disbarred yet sassy lawyer friend who also works as waitress and they help solve mysteries with a tech savvy bus boy. Stop

Step 1. Turn off News.
Step 2. Look at this picture…
Step 3. Go to Gofundme or some random charity and donate something. Do something nice.
Step 4. Watch Bob Ross videos until you starting thinking in his voice.

Is it wrong I want this to go to court just to have a partygoer testifying in tears on they had to stay in a tent with poor with poor Wi-Fi while having to eat bread? Does that make me a bad person?

Why must you bring up the Kardashians?


Is it me or wax sculpture look more like Saul Goodman than Trump?

To make matters more awkward, he was present with an honorary doctorate in Gay Studies.

Must…..contain………inner…..child….It's just sometimes I feel life is like a hurricane.

I would watch Fox News if they Gary Busey a show. Just let say whatever he wants. It doesn't even have to be news related.

"it’s one person shaking hands and another hugging.” This sums up my love life…………..

I saw in a movie where she was lesbian. More of a clip than a film. Still good. watched it a couple times. Funny thing was you had to be 18 to see it.