
It took me a while to find that balance of flash without looking like a clown car. I pine for a red interior which would be too much with the blue, but refuse a monochrome exterior paint scheme just for red cowhide. Just enough red with the belts to tie in with the calipers, while the grey interior is a welcome departu

This isn’t the beginning for Kenny Strickler and failing businesses. He is well known in the Kentucky area for his scams. Since as far back as 2004 or so he has run shoddy automotive businesses and left customers holding the bag with missing parts, broken cars, and debts with nothing to show for it. From Redline

It’s things like this, and the endless disaster that is Mitch McConnell being thrust upon the American public for 30+ years, that makes me really want to distance myself from my home state.  Fuck this guy forever.

Interior colors.  I’m a sucker for a nice quality two-tone peanut butter brown or red interior.  I’m looking at the inside of my car 95% of the time I’m using it, so it should have some pizzazz and not just a sea of black in varying materials.  Yeah I get that they usually aren’t great for resale, but I’m not buying a

FINALLY, a reasonable explanation for keeping change in all those cargo jort pockets.


Malaise Era was 140hp 8.2 liter V8's and hard plastic wood grain.  Just because you don’t like the offerings doesn’t mean it’s not a golden age of performance right now...

Buy AWD, turbo, manual Edge RS, lower it back to acceptable levels, boom roomy hot hatch territory?

This sort of news used to be interesting to me, but now it just seems par for the course. What’s going to happen next, a limp wrist penalty against their millions in quarterly profit, if anything? Is it actually going to have any sort of impact on their business whatsoever, or will it be an inconsequential blip on the

The real question is when will the teal, purple, and yellow "Splash" editions be available?

Honestly, can I ask what the draw is for staying in a city that costs you almost a mortgage payment just to park your car?

No love for Meteorman?

I saw the title and had to make sure I hadn’t accidentally stumbled upon Pornhub on my work computer. Nice work!

Dick Rub-io, that’s a classic

I guess it makes sense for the Chinese market, don’t they tax based on engine displacement? So you could have C-class interior space with the 1.3L displacement from the A-class. Or instead of tooling up for a new floorpan design, just put the 1.3L in the C-class. Same same

You wouldn’t want to do that, because then you’d see drivers stretching over into the passenger area to try and pick up their bars. Dummies will dumb now matter how hard you try and stop them.

The EF Civics are great fun and cheap for a first car to learn on, my wife wants to find one in decent order to use as a first auto-x car. Was it the Civic of this generation or the CRX that came with the button wheels?

Counterpoint: why stop at five lugs, when there are cars with six, and trucks with eight? Now who’s cutting corners?

+1 Rosinbagger