
So nice to see tribute paid to what has been my favorite comic this decade. CHEW's been great from the beginning, but for whatever reason it feels like it never managed to get the same level of spotlight that SAGA or WICDIV has, even though it was just as deserving.

Jimmy is absolutely his native Illinois: folksy charm with a greedy, corrupt heart.

Making him Loki's mook was also a neat way to reference comic!Hawkeye's short-lived origin as a supervillain.

Die-hard GoT fan that I am, I fucking love McShane's answer here.

Yeah. Gonna say it again. Japanese =/= Japanese-American. One is an ethnic minority in the greater American populace. One is a foreign nationality, largely disconnected from the wants and needs of its own diaspora.

You should absolutely check out her short story, "Six Months, Three Days." It's part paranormal, part romance, and probably one of my favorite short stories ever.

And apparently, it's only because of his Subway diet.

Yeah. My family suffered under Japanese occupation, and I'm not wild about a symbol of that occupation being used in an attempt to facilitate financial gain for a giant corporation. That said, I'm more of the mind that this ad was an exercise in stupidity, not outrage.

Is it any weirder than being able to drop any number of Hamilton verses from memory? If it's a thing they're into, it stands to reason they'd commit it to memory.


All he's done is ensure that his career will die another day.

I hope so. Goggins has been my favorite actor ever since he was Shane Vendrell. I'd love for him to get some proper recognition for his talent, so I can stop explaining him to my friends as "the guy with the fivehead and the teeth."

That's an interesting distinction: the character's view of their actions, versus the story's view of them. I'll have to think on that, vis-a-vis Landa.

I think so, yes. In the film itself, Landa explains on two different occasions that he does what he does because he's good at it, not because he's a true believer of Hitler's ideals. And he demonstrates towards the end that, after years of faithful service, he's completely willing to sell out the entire Third Reich if

Yeah, I had three major issues with that:

I justify it to myself by thinking that she didn't really take Eli seriously until after last week's shenanigans.

How does a wizard, orphan, son of a Muggle and a
Potter, dropped in the middle of a
forgotten spot in Little Whinging by Dumbledore,
underfed, in horror,
grow up to be a Chosen One and Auror?

Mountains? More like NOTHINGS.

Color me surprised, too. I think the show's been a little aimless post-StrexCorp, but I still enjoyed its smaller arcs, like the mystery of Lot 37.

I don't think this particular incident is the shadiest he's ever been, but I'm reasonably certain it's a building block of what will be the shadiest he's ever been: engineering the downfall of Peter Florrick, bit by bit. Which: good. I actually like Peter, bastard that he is, but he's always been far more interesting