Yeah. Based on this and the past two weeks of "LAL is old and out of touch" storylines, I don't think we were actually supposed to agree with Diane in that scene. At least, I came away from it thinking the show was more on Cary's side.
Yeah. Based on this and the past two weeks of "LAL is old and out of touch" storylines, I don't think we were actually supposed to agree with Diane in that scene. At least, I came away from it thinking the show was more on Cary's side.
I find this map of the midwest as seen by Chicagoans to be pretty accurate:
Speaking as a Chicagoan, we have a tendency to see every non-Chicago part of the midwest as untamed backwater.
Not only were they the voices; their character designs were specifically modeled on Gaius and Caprica Six.
Small detail I loved: Tammy's parents were Gaius Baltar and Caprica Six. And they were both robots disguised as people. What the frak, right?
You don't know me!
Actually, an early draft had both happen at once.
I'm a fantasy novelist, and a few months back I found out my book was getting bumped from winter of 2015 to summer of 2016. When my publisher tried to assure me this was a good thing, I said, "Just you watch. With my luck, I'll end up competing with The Winds of Winter, and some top-secret Harry Potter book Rowling's…
Uhhh…he's an actor. A professional one. Of course they're going to pay him. That doesn't invalidate his other motives for joining the project.
Kylo Ren is cool and all, but I was always a lot more into Kylo Riley. I still rock out to "Portions for Womp Rats" when I'm driving home from work.
We can't even call him a piece of shit, because at least there are easy ways of getting rid of pieces of shit.
I spent a lot of time on Saturday night poking the Puppies on Twitter. One of the most prevalent sentiments I saw from them was, "Great job, guys! Way to burn the clubhouse down! By voting this way, you're just proving our point!"
Butcher is exactly who I thought of at the start of your comment, so I'm glad you name-checked him. I felt bad for him to be included on the slate, because as fun as the Dresden books are they're never going to be Hugo material. This was probably the series' one shot, and I hate that it had to come about in the worst…
Have you seen this series' racial list? It's a pretty short one.
That could work…
How so? It's merely reporting the existence of a study, the results of which were presented in video form for anyone to see.
It's worse than just stereotypical. You're right in identifying "Chang" as Chinese, but "Cho" is a name much more commonly associated with South Korea. JKR didn't even keep the ethnicity consistent.
But even then, they could've also resorted to colorblind casting. If they'd cast Chiwetel Ejiofor to play Remus instead of David Thewlis, for instance, it wouldn't have had any impact on the overall story, or Remus' arc within it. But they didn't even think to do that.
Except even then not really, because we're talking about a genetic trait that, while easily traceable down family lines for the most part, also has a habit of randomly and unpredictably occurring in genetic lines where it has no previous known history. Are we supposed to believe that only white families get random…