It’s been six years since I bought my condo, and I still haven’t hung a single thing on the wall. I thought I was just lazy/indecisive, but now I’m going to chalk it up to my having a “consistent aesthetic.”
I’m curious as to why you think that... please expand!
Kim Kardashian is thinking of naming her next kid Rob West, after her brother.
I want to make the joke about this girl’s inability to form grammatically correct sentences possibly being linked to her utter disregard for education, but honestly, I feel bad for her. Not bad enough to do literally anything for her because there are people who are genuinely suffering that I AM helping, but just…
You know, shutting the fuck up is always free, Barb.
Uhhhhh setting aside the use of the word “idiot” here which is super-ablist :( :( I think a lot of the stuff in the first and second episode is meant to emphasize that Annie is bad at taking care of herself because she devalues herself, and not having great birth control practices is sort of part of that- but that…
I will def be getting the epidural. Of course I’ve had a few people tell me not to, or that it didn’t work for them, or that I’ll regret getting one because I won’t feel like I really “gave birth,” but I think all that is either exaggerated, rare situations, or bullshit. I already know I have a low pain tolerance and…
I’m sorry you have to go through that, Tiffany. It’s not fair, but at least you had the sense to distance yourself from the family and that horrible person.
As the daughter of a real piece of $hit, I feel for this kid. Whenever anyone asks me if I’m the daughter of A$$hole, I feel such shame.
Paris Jackson gets so much hate from all sides. People who hate her dad take it out on her. Her dad’s fans hate her for not defending him publicly, which isn’t her job. I wonder how much a girl can take.
Gah, you’re right, I’m fixing. I should have just sold highlighter palettes.
“like a nerd” = “by believing every conspiracy theory I stumbled across”
The funny thing is, if a black person works their ass off to get into a school, racists will yell about affirmative action. MEANWHILE.........
As Crindy, BoG, Attorney at LOL, I ask you to re-read the prenup. In the event of marriage disruption, ring comes to me, as does all community candy.
As a diamond PhD, I estimate that ring to be worth between 2 and 5 million laffs.
These Jewelry experts have such widely different values for JLo’s ring I think they might have, could have , mostly probably, maybe ….. Been fooled by the rock that she got.
Exactly this! I received a TERRIBLE written review from my official “mentor” recently (I’m talking unprofessional, petty, non-contructive insults with a large helping of butt-hurt bitching) and it reflected more poorly on them than me. That same week, I was pulled off an exciting project because someone else didn’t…