I need background. Is this new? Has he been born again, or is he just vocal about it now? Do I need to reconcile Andy Dwyer with this actor person? Is Anna Faris like this? Has he changed? And when? and why?
I need background. Is this new? Has he been born again, or is he just vocal about it now? Do I need to reconcile Andy Dwyer with this actor person? Is Anna Faris like this? Has he changed? And when? and why?
GodDAMN I love women.
This is an astonishingly good piece of writing.
Guys I think she just has her phone in her back pocket
Crap - I’m getting to this late so no one will see this comment, but Y’ALL I’M COUNTING AN EXTRA KARDASHIAN KID. We should have three for Kourtney, three for Kim, one for Khloe, and one for Kylie, right? But there’s-
Quick etymology check on “dickmatized.”
The intruder who took a shower in Taylor Swift’s house is going to prison.
Who was it who, all those years ago, responded to a Rita Ora post with the simple World Health Organization insignia? Was it Doit2Julia? LaComtesse?
This feels right to me. Using an argument meant to control women’s bodies to justify an act meant to control a woman’s body.
This is a great, necessary piece.
Unless the panic attack wasn’t about the wedding, but rather ... the marriage...
Ms. Holloway is a scholar and a badass.
Sometimes when people say this it really is because they’re convinced that kids need two parents, even if those two parents hate each other.
That picture makes my stomach hurt
The nadir was Gigli, no?
I know this isn’t the point, but your story just gave me hope for my own future as a mother, once my children are a little older.
After staring at the photo, which is just low res enough to make my eyeballs almost see a couple patches where a perfect tone-match bandaid could be, I sleuthed it out.