Reg Tidswell

Nice. I love seeing electric cars being taken seriously in motorsports.

This brings something to mind. There’s no such thing as a racist dog - just a dog with racist owner/handlers. Dogs pick up on cues from their humans that we ourselves would miss, that we think we’re keeping concealed. In this case of course the dog was explicitly ordered - which just comes back to the fact that the

He was full ass in his early years too.

The only thing he ever cared about wrapping up was his next guaranteed money.

You know what else is fundamentally unfair? Giving drugs to dozens of women over decades so you can rape them. A practice for which there is ample evidence, even by his own statements.

Agreed. Total bossy bottom vibes emanating from him.

“The Spartans definitely wouldn’t have left me in a field to die, because I am special!”

Or the thing that made Rome so wildly successful for 400 years- incredibly low standards for gaining citizenship. In fact the tightening of these restrictions resulted in a failure to fully assimilate the various Germanic peoples into the empire and the sacking of Rome itself.

As a person with a disability, he may want to reconsider his whole stance on wanting to be more like ancient Greeks and/or Romans.

 You're not an intelligent person and nobody values anything you have to say. 

Bitch, you broke into another person’s home and fucking shot him. The only thing that’s ‘reasonable’ here is seeing you put under the jail.

Yes, such terrible persecution you’re fleeing. Sure, there’s a chance you and your whole family could be killed by a cartel in Mexico, but that’s nothing compared to the hell of having to wear a mask in public. They have no idea how easy they’ve got it in Mexico!

At least Gilgamesh had beastiality and zombies in it. 

Mitch, where’s your fucking flag lapel pin??? You some sort of America-hating, liberal, Nazi, Communist, Muslim terrorist now?

Look, tencent is shit, but trump is only doing this as theatre. He agrees with all the shit china does. This isn’t standing up to china. It’s two fascists having a falling out.

We would be if there weren't so many people in this country who want to suck on it.

Nah, they won’t rumble back to where they came from. They’ll rumble back to the hotel/motel, load up onto to the trailer behind the pick-em up, and then drive home in air conditioned comfort.

Coast Guard has no authority to take anyone into custody if they are in international waters and not breaking any law. 

Trump is an idiot, but seriously what does flying a flag have to do with socialism.

It’s okay, though. @WallOfMoms is a protected nonprofit now and those that seek to harm it can be punished by law.