This is your takeaway from what you just read?
People in Bolivia may disagree with this “saving the world” thing
That’s the thing. Something bad enough to break a control arm, should have blown the tire and potentially cracked the rim too. I mean, I guess he could’ve driven over a rock just the right size to smack it but not damage anything else, but yeah.
Ah, i couldnt even comment before the first white boot lickers logged on.
tell me about how important the constitution is to you
What’s the difference between kidnapping and an arrest by unidentified police officers in an unmarked car who don’t announce themselves and don’t read the suspect their rights?
You don’t have a problem with the Secret Police nabbing people off the street in a way that is totally comparable to a kidnapping?
So if some hyper-aggressive men in civilian clothing ran up, surrounded you, and forced you into an unmarked vehicle, you’d be cool with that?
Plain clothes, running up and snatching someone without clear establishment of what authority you are representing is not how we as Americans accept an arrest. This person was not a violent extremist or anything that would require a tactic of this level. Nor would would we arrest someone who did meet that level in…
Fuck you.
Do you lick the boot or do you also suck on it too? Like whats your technique.
Also, the negative partisanship is the reason we have no empathy anymore...and when you can look at this an be like “cool” then our democracy is fucking dead.
Yep.....that shit was practically a 3 act play to shake up people.
De Blasio has no control over the NYPD anymore, if he ever had it to begin with. The mayor doesn’t give a shit about us and is basically their mouthpiece now.
Meth can be cooked with no heat source using several liquid chemicals, sudafed, and lithium batteries shaken in a plastic soda bottle. But no meth head is dumb enough to do this in a car on account of the possibility it might explode and the toxic fumes. The Karen/Kevin who called 911 wanted to sensationalize the…
Settle down, Francis.
This bitch.
He just looks like a guy that has paid for a girfriend’s abortion and didn’t go with her or support her in any way. Probably sent a text saying: “report back”
The answer is absolutely not “build more roads.”
This is a terrible take.