Putting. The baby. In. The trash.
Putting. The baby. In. The trash.
Gus must’ve paid those assassins with Los Pollos Hermanos coupons.
When we saw him get out of the tunnel and then instead of heading for the hills, he heads back to the house with a gun in hand, my God. And leaving the bathtub up intentionally for the gunmen to find -- Lalo is too smart for his own good.
My only gripe with is this review is that Jimmy knew he was using himself as bait when he walked into the road. He specifically told Mike to “get that thing ready.” before his space cape walk.
Excellent catch on the similarity to Chuck’s space blanket.
I liked the ep more than Handlen did. So far, and I’m jinxing it probably, this is the show’s best season. It’s a lot more exciting. Maybe it has something to do with leaving the Wild West and being in cool, architecture-ally gorgeous near future noir cities.
This season is so pretty. The costumes are amazing. The design of the tech - both props and CGI - is beautiful and functional. And the real world locations are spectacular. It’s a pleasure to just sit and watch the pictures.
Maybe don’t use major spoilers in headlines? I try to avoid these articles until I see them, but shit like this is inexcusable
I thought she looked as good as well in her 40s dress too.
My favorite thing about the writing is that they never really use the short cut of random chance. Saul ends up getting picked up by Nacho because his promotional stunt was the catalyst for a crime spree that ends with Domingo getting arrested. It’s never predictable but cause and effect is always plainly laid out.
I recognized Barry Corbin by his voice before his face! Makes me think of Northern Exposure, which when it was at it’s best, was as good as TV was in it’s era.
I spotted mine last night, I think. Something about the Evil Dead?
It’s not hard to understand his supporters. They support him no matter what. Any true information that would tend to eat away at that support is fake, while any lies that tend to make people support him are gospel truth.
Whomever the hell he wants, and it’ll be awesome.
If Sam Rami is directing, who’s Bruce Campbell going to play?
“You and I both know the outcome of this battle is already decided. But not by men.”
“You look really great, by the way.”
Mark Hamill continues to be an international treasure. They really hit gold overall with the casting of the original Star Wars trilogy, didn't they?
“You ever think, Bullock, of ever not going straight at a thing?”
I enjoyed parts of it but yeah, gotta agree with a lot of what you said. And not one, but two exposition dumps!