
Christ imagery be damned. That’s a harp on a lamp, he’s the light. It’s painfully literal.

My wife and I left after a decade in Brooklyn a couple of years back - oddly enough to move to Colorado (although not Boulder). For us, it was about wanting to get into a house instead of an apartment, and not wanting to either scrimp and save every penny for years to get a decent downpayment saved up, or move to the

I cannot imagine anyone who hears about a new MCU movie and thinks, “Well, I’d better check those Rotten Tomato scores before I buy a ticket.”

I took it as showing his future... as time passes and his Alzheimer/dementia progresses, it becomes in effect a jungle in which he gets lost...

And then, after one half-baked racist tweet, we’ll finally get the Niles spin-off we all really want.  

“Oh, hi Shark”

Half of the Thanos documentary drops Sunday and the other half will be destroyed. Perfect balance.

My god, it would take Mark Twain an eon to describe all the two bit confidence men this dingdong has hired over the past two years.

What he should have said:

He said he would continue to “pray” about the situation.

“the reason I used a very little bit cannot get shoe polish off.”

This changes for me year to year, but lately I’ve been obsessed with Hudsucker Proxy. The dialog is fantastic, the reveal of the meaning of Tim Robbin’s circle halfway through the movie is perfectly set up, and the use of music to accentuate points at just the right time is unparalleled.

I’m starting to believe that

Probably the first EVIL DEAD. I was introduced to the trilogy the same as many young men seem to have been: via the TNT network/Monstervision with Army of Darkness. It wasn’t until I was in high school in the late 90's that I discovered that AoD was actually the THIRD one of a series. I got my hands on the other two

The Great Escape. It’s a perfect three act structure: (a) The Planning (b) The Escape (c) On The Run. Like Infinity War it juggles a ton of characters but is constantly moving between them to keep things interesting. Don’t like James Coburn and his weird Aussie accent? James Garner and his blind friend are in the next

Star Wars. Without a doubt Star Wars. It was before the end of the original theatrical run (which, you have to remember, was easily a year after its initial release date), I had already broken 100 times. Buy one ticket, stay in the house all day long.

So I’m not part Viking?  Well, I hope this doesn’t affect my weekend pillaging.

This will end with Disney’s ultimate theme park, Omni World, which will encompass all franchises in existence, and use the entire world as its setting, with those former occupants pressed into service as park employees.  

Ripley’s Believe It, Or Blow

This would work really well if they disposed with all pretense of acting like any of it was real, and just let Campbell make up absolutely ridiculous shit.

I think there’s a fairly good chance the answer is yes.