
I cannot get enough of that Jacob Wohl story. It’s replaced the Mooch’s tenure as Press Secretary as my favorite piece of schadenfreude ever. How their story never even had a chance; within seconds of being made public it was meticulously picked apart and exposed. And yet they persisted! And to top off all the

I think the worst thing on the Internet this year is the same as it has always been: Nazis. It was Nazis who got James Gunn fired on bad faith evidence, it’s Nazis who are using hatred of TLJ as a recruitment tool and galvanize them to harass, and just this week Pewdiepie promoted a Nazi on YouTube right after a bunch

Pretty sure Jimmy will simply be lifted into heaven on a chariot. So probably not.

Jimmy “Jimmy” Carter cracked me up way more than it logically should. Well done.

So, another State Funeral that the sitting POTUS won't be allowed to attend?

There wouldn’t be any overweight people in the zombie apocalypse.
And there wouldn’t be any uneaten food leftover to throw in a waste bucket.

Long live the relatively new flesh!

Why were they so hard up to get over a 6 foot wall? Literally the easiest obstacle at any garden variety mud run. The other thing I couldn't get over was how much energy Jesus wastes when he fights. Just stand still and casually poke zombies in the head as they get close. He's out there doing double back flips

I think this was in Revelations somewhere.

Maybe it runs off of Daryl’s hair grease turned into a biofuel

Maybe he used to be really, really fat.

The mock fight between Aaron and Jesus reminded me of the epic fights between Closeau and Kato. Will Jesus find Aaron hiding in the freezer next?


My partner and I say “We thought you was a toad” pretty much once a day at minimum.

Paul Newman as Sidney J. Mussburger in The Hudsucker Proxy has to be one of my favorite supporting characters in their entire oeuvre - it’s been more than 25 years since I fell in love with that movie on contact (the first of their films I loved unreservedly right off... I didn’t quite “get” the tone of Raising

Because at this point "Any Responsible Adult" is the front runner in 2020.

So, looking at that photo, somebody should really consider greenlighting a Michael Shannon as Kurt Vonnegut production of some sort.

“happy customer unpacking not only the American flag blanket tucked inside the real bear”

The dumbest moment of this week’s episode was when the herd began approaching Rosita and Eugene, rather than having Rosita climb up one of the towers to safety, because zombies do not climb and the herd would have just passed underneath them and been on their way, Eugene for some reason needs to hurry down so they can

Those CGI bluebirds were comically poor quality.