
On the bright side, a time jump means we won't get an hour of everyone mourning Rick, at least. (Hopefully) 

“I’m Neil. This is my wife Daryl and this my other wife Daryl.”

I am glad she has recovered from being blinded by Uma Thurman

I was thinking, “What war was going on 17 years ago?” and, of course, I realised it’s the one we’re still fighting now.

Of course! Of course!

Negan is the worst. Every moment with him onscreen has been excruciating. 

I always loved this joke on 30 Rock. It was just a quick cut away to the music video and that was it. So obscure and stupid and awesome. 

I think he’d like to come back inside now. 

What was the deal with Cowboy-hatted black sheriff who got a pretty big introduction and was never seen again? Did his stuff get cut?

I’d like to know what happened to the asshole boyfriend. They made such a fuss about him screwing Allyson over at the dance, and then...nothing.

Team Maggie & Daryl

To be entirely honest, I’d take that over what we have right now.

Obviously it would focus on his never mentioned daughter leading the resistance this time, played by “Rowdy” Ronda Rousey.

They Live 2: Just Keep Livin’

2 Live 2 They

They Live Still

The “Crawling through drop ceilings” trope should just die! I can’t think of one single drop ceiling room that would sustain a grown man’s weight, not to mention how little head room they all have and the noise that would be made trying to get in that space. Also, high security locales, like a money wiring business,

Why in the hell did they risk so much to drag an old busted wagon from a museum? I’m not particularly good at building things, but I’m pretty damn sure I could throw together a wagon, especially if I had a bunch of broken down cars at my disposal to salvage wheels and axles from.

After Killing Pablo and now Loving Pablo, I’ll look forward to Marrying Pablo to complete the Fuck, Marry, Kill Trilogy.

I’m sorry, but he did it to himself. He’s supposed to be a judge, someone calm, cool, and collected regardless of issue, and he instead decided to act aggressive and disrespectful. If someone came into his courtroom accused of something and acted as he think he would have put up with that?