
“You look really great, by the way.”

Mark Hamill continues to be an international treasure. They really hit gold overall with the casting of the original Star Wars trilogy, didn't they?

I’ve enjoyed each of the Dream Seasons as they aired, but I find myself skipping those episodes in repeats in favor of the earlier seasons.


Marketing research found the original tagline “Where’s Your God Now?” didn’t test well.

You’d have to have toxoplasmosis to think this looks good.

Meanwhile, David Letterman was calling Trump racist before it was cool. 

I have no particular need for anything from the media, not even a white James Bond, but i would watch the fuck out an Idris Elba James Bond, because he’s perfect for it. Charming and threatening. He is aware of the effect he has on women.

Atomic Blonde was pretty dope though. 

It’s not about having “a black James Bond,” it’s about having Idris Elba specifically play James Bond, because he’d be amazing at it and it would get me interested in a James Bond movie again for the first time in a decade.

Your mind is like an airplane, and YOU are the pilot: You think you’re doing the right thing, but a design flaw you never knew about means you’re actually overcorrecting and are about to die. 

So just to make this clear, there was and is a deep state that conspired to (a) operate a illegal sex trafficking ring out of the basement of a pizza parlour with no basement (b) put all of their capital and influence behind making Hilary Clinton president, except these International Banking Conspiracy guys ran out of

“Now I’m gone show you what be possible.”

Now playing

His evil sneer was good in just about everything, but Drago was great as the main villain in The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr.

No mention of The Adventures of Brisco County Jr.? And you call yourselves a pop culture site!

When you’re trying to make audiences forget living legend Jack Nicholson in one of the most iconic performances of all time, there’s only one man to call: the other guy from Wings.

“You ever think, Bullock, of ever not going straight at a thing?”

I think he did all his ageing in one go.

I enjoyed parts of it but yeah, gotta agree with a lot of what you said. And not one, but two exposition dumps!