
Now there’s a man in need of some medals. Does Davey need more medals? Does Davey need more medals? Say pweeeeeese! Say “pweese can I hab most medawllssss!” For the love of god, for the love of God, for the love of GOD, won’t someone PLEASE get this man some medals?!

Here’s how old I am: I thought “called Layman an Uber” meant he said “You are an Uber,” meaning something like an ultimate nazi art-destroying machine before I did a second take and realised this is the modernest of times.

Both these people are awful but I take no joy in art like that being destroyed or damaged.

The saving grace is that Andy Warhol would have loved this story.

Eventually the Vikings won, they just had to become Normans first. The Plantagenets ruled England for hundreds of years, and were direct descendent of Rollo.

No wishes for a wild Saturnalia? This site’s bias against ancient Romans continues unabated, I see.

The casino planet was really the only major misstep of the movie, to me. It felt like it was dropped in from Attack of the Clones.

President Comacho would be about ten thousand steps up from where we are now. At least he was open to someone else’s scientific expertise.

Not to rain on the impeachment parade, but I have zero doubt that this is coming more from Mike Pence than from Donald Trump himself. If we impeach Trump without also (or even better, first) impeaching Mike Pence then, if anything, shit like this is going to be even more prevalent.

Science shall now be referred to as “Jesus based brain squeezings.”

When are they gonna impeach this old bag of shit already?

Well, there goes my science-based transgender fetus study...

Helloooo!!! Is anybody out there? Or am I as alone as Floki in his newly discovered and desolate land?

He wasn’t kissing her. He was trying to put air into her lungs.

I tried to watch the women’s rights or Islam video but I just couldn’t finish it even though I have a high tolerance for bullshit.. The fact that she and members of her audience actually think that she is making any sense these statements is ridiculous and disheartening. She sounds like a fool, but as long as she

“I didn’t mean for me!” underlies a shocking amount of conservative philosophy.

“Boil-in-bag” is the description for Pence I’ve been searching for my whole life.

I hope that when Pence dies, nothing happens, but somehow in his last breaths he realizes that nothing’s gonna happen. That he’s just gonna rot in the ground like the rest of us.

I hope that when Pence dies and strolls confidently up to those pearly gates, St Peter will open up his book and say, “Let’s see here, Christian acts performed while on earth ... zero. Huh. Well, that’s unfortunate. The down escalator is on your left.”

How could this butter sculpture of Ronald Reagan .... possibly reconcile that Christian, cornfed decency with his loyal, unflappable support of a twice-divorced, adulterous, pussy-grabbing New Yorker?