
But he wouldn’t get the same satisfaction of wanton excess and wasteful destruction by opening one of those. It’s the same reason he wants to run all the country, but only help a small percentage. We’re the Oreos he throws out.

I think we know exactly what kind of fucking moron does this.

A couple quick thoughts.

The fact that his DEFENSE for admitting to obstruction of justice was “I had my official legal counsel, the guy who represents me in court, write it” is hilarious. Truly a clown car of incompetence at best that wouldn’t bode well for him if we weren’t already in world of madness. If Trump were a young black kid

You know, I’m gonna enter this contest and if I win I am going to make sure that the idiots who made this movie know that the person who won their stupid gun is a bi-sexual liberal socialist Muslim in a interracial marriage and that I plan to destroy it and have it melted down and turned into a stand for my Koran.

Thank goodness that Lucy Lawless is still one of the good ones.

I love that the greatest fantasy for conservative Christians is the fall of civilization so they can start murdering the unclean heathens.

I know it isn’t a unique observation, but we really are living the dumbest time in history.

He didn’t want to be Putin jail.

[Jared Kushner walks up to Trump]

Yeesh, what are they Goering to do next?

Just the first Chekov Mueller’s list.

Trump did nazi that coming.

yeah, I kinda figured he’d be Stalin for a better deal.

Well he sure was rushin to make a plea deal ...

Does Trump only know like 10 people that he has to keep moving around from job to job? If Trump hired Conway to revitalize Trump Steaks she’d be woefully unqualified, and now she’s handling a drug epidemic? Is the plan to just start staying “Epidemic cured!” until enough people believe it? Actually, that’s starting to

Frankly, she looks more like an expert on the meth problem, but who am I to judge?

I love how they wrestled on the ground for about 7 seconds and then took their respective seats as if it was a totally normal thing to do.

Damn it, Outlander! We still have your woman! OUTLANDER!!