
Now that Alabama is set to make a pedophile a senator, this whole pee tape thing seems kinda quaint.

Look, it’s been long established that as long as you’re under 50, any ill behavior can be excused by your being “just a kid,” as long as you’re also a Republican political figure.

He’s been Donald Trump’s son for an incredibly short time, a really short time. They only talked about adoptions.

“Don Jr? Low-lowel campaign volunteer. Got us cofee once.”

*begins to shake violently* Ahhhh!!! Outlander, we have your woman! OUTLANDER!!!

Maybe I’m missing something, but why on earth did Carol, Jerry and Ezekiel attempt to get back to The Kingdom via a walker-infested toxic swamp when they could have - oh, I don’t know... borrowed one of the many cars lying around and driven there?

The partisan way in which people are giving Moore a pass is gross, especially when more than a few people doing so won’t let a trans person take a dump in peace at a public toilet with decrying them as a paedo.

Remember that one time The Alt-Right’s subsidiary, the MRAs, brought down The Force Awakens?

The world is changing so fast for these people—

Well Jim Beam should be scared. The GOP has annihilated corporations across America with their boycotts. Take a look at the list of recent victims of their targets, mere husks of their former selves.

Did I miss something in the episode about why Ian had to SWIM out to the damn island? It’s not like it’s inaccessible by boat (as is evidenced by both John Grey’s trip out there when he recaptured Jamie and the pirates/sailors this week). I get why Jamie swam out the first time - he was an escaped prisoner. But it

Great jokes are never a waste of screentime.

*takes a quick look around* Outlander, we have your woman! OUTLANDER!!

It could also be Christine. Russell says he gets the Jeep in the divorce and the way he describes it and the fact that we’ve never seen him drive it before suggests it’s Christine’s car. In the previous episode she smashes Lee’s car when she’s drunk and that wasn’t the jeep. It’s possible Christine thought that Gamby

*clears throat* Outlander, we have your woman! OUTLANDER!!

I honestly cannot tell either side apart during the big fire fights at all except when it zooms in on a major character and even then it’s hard to figure out which side of the field is theirs.

Can someone remind me who Morales is, and why I should care about him?

Now playing


If you like zombie movies, Train to Busan is on Netflix and it’s a peach.

Hindsight is 20/20 and all, but all this shit with Nazis almost makes me wish that we had fought a war at some point to settle once and for all that it’s not okay to be a Nazi.