
He was just 18 when they had sex. Both teenagers. Chill.

Both Asia and Rose need to step the hell down. I don’t want either of them at the forefront of this movement. 

It may very likely be the result of her being abused

I wish Asia and Rose would leave the public arena for their fight. It’s not doing the #MeToo movement any favors and gives fodder to the haters.


Look a child rapist got a tattoo threatening a person who has a problem with the fact that she’s a child rapist! How wacky! The fuck is wrong with this site and it’s reporting on a CHILD RAPIST??? You do the bare minimum. Ignore developments for as long as possible and flat out refuse to drag A CHILD RAPIST for filth.

Asia should have got a tattoo that said “don’t sleep with under age boys” to remind her not to sleep with underage boys.

Asia Argento and Rose McGowan - and Rain Dove - all deserve each other. They all strike me as unstable and insufferable attention whores and some of the worst representatives for #metoo. I wish they’d all go away and take their trashy drama with them. 

My brain hurts from all the they/them/he/her

I’ll take a wild guess and assume the foxes have much better developed fighting skills since they apply them daily in the wild. It’s like a German Shepherd vs. a Wolf. The wild animal has far more practice and so has higher baseline skills.

That reminds me of a story in the paper when I first moved to Phoenix that had everyone on the job site laughing. A woman was trying to sue a developer because they hadn’t disclosed that local wildlife would eat her cats if she let them run free.

Well, another good story to point out to cat owners who get their pets go outside. They aren’t meant to go outside, they’re domesticated. Nothing good will come of it. They can run away, kill wildlife for sport, or have wildlife kill them.

What exactly is Rooster alleging? Was there actually anything in the scene they weren’t comfortable with and felt pressured into doing, or is the issue that they didn’t get an additional break to discuss the scene with their co-star? It’s very vague. 

Repetition of her story to a therapist is not corroboration. Nor is telling it to her husband. Their testimony in the form of the session notes and his witnessing her telling the story in therapy would be considered hearsay, especially as the revelation to her therapist and her husband happened so long after the fact.


That’s not true at all.

White male here, so admittedly, I’m way outside the orbits that are interesecting here, but I have a question: why is this complicated? Seems like Tamika Mallory could put this to bed with a one-sentence statement along the lines of, “While I have found comfort and inspiration in many of the Nation of Islam’s works, I

Graham should not be recognized as such, and it is a travesty that he is. Enough with this “well, what about” Trumpian bullshit.

Does the NOI do some good things? Sure.

“Miss Mallory would have had no way of knowing he was going to go in that direction”

FYI, a majority of American Jews do not support Netanyahu (I’m not even sure a majority of Israeli Jews do), want more support and rights for Palestine, and really do not follow the Zionist philosophy in many ways (unless you define “Zionist” the way Simon Schama does, which is basically believing Israel has a right