
There is a real-time example of what that approach results in, directly across the border in Zimbabwe. 25% of its population now relies on international food aid to survive. But hey, as long as it feels good (from a safe distance where you won’t be affected one bit).

Oh that’s cute u watched a movie and now know all there is to know about South Africa. Jesus the nerve of u Yanks. U Kno nothing about sa, the most genuinely multicultural country in the world with 11 official languages and no one single definition of what makes a saffa, while in America u claim multiculturalism but

Malema isn’t the one who is going to make the policy. His whole platform is based on the destruction of any form of reconciliation. He has been outspoken in his desire to perform exactly the type of land grabs that happened in Zimbabwe, and has done so on more than one, very public occasion. The whole idea that

Nothing scares off investors, especially foreign investors, like the threat that the government may swoop in and take everything. Economies thrive on stability and this is going to cause massive chaos.

Where would they go? You really think they’d be welcome anywhere else? They’re not all Charlize Therons. Land owners aside, there’s a huge population of Afrikaners that live in abject poverty, and there’s a growing base of white supremacist movements there. There’s a few specials on the squatter camps they live in

How could US support possibly have ensured that a kidnapping from a school would not have happened? Is it because it hasn’t happened in the relatively short span of less than 4 years? That’s like saying the fact that the last one was the deadliest school shooting since Sandy Hook somehow proves that the present gun

Why do you say he is not on the same level as Trump? He has been accused of rape steadfastly by numerous women for years.

Like Hillary Clinton. Also the feminist icon herself gloria.

Whenever my liberal friends are shocked and horrified at how so many women approve of Trump, I remind them of all the women who would *still* support Bill Clinton today, my friends included.

I am all for blaming Trump for the problems that he has caused. However, blaming him for the insecurity in Nigeria and an attack by a Terrorist group in that country is a little far fetched. While the US has helped with combating Terrorist organizations the blame for those attacks lies straight at the feet of its

I get that Trump isn’t blameless here, but it sounds to me that it is ultimately Chad cutting off its nose to spite its face. They pulled back troops fighting a domestic threat because we screwed with them? I feel like there has to be more at work here than what we see.

Really Whitney?

So you respond to his homophobic shit by headlining your article with a homophobic, gay baiting slur?

Do you not see the problem here?

She probably doesn’t being a cis-white.

Total troll. Time to start dismissing him since he’s trying to take up ALL THE SPACE with ridiculous comments on every article.

If John Mullaney asked for more money for a special, no one would care.

I watched it. I’d say it was a 4/10, maybe.

To be fair, she did use 2 legends as a measuring stick during these negotiations. Once her team allowed this tidbit to be included in the interview, it was game-on. We were forced to compare her work and creative value to Rock’s and Chappelle’s. And if we’re comparing her work to theirs...let’s just say her work is

She likes to pose semi naked for attention because she feels if she just posts a picture of her sitting on the couch in jeans and a t-shirt people won’t pay attention to her enough?

I’m getting kind of uncomfortable with the focus on this man as if he is the only comedian who does this. Why the pretense that he is the only one making these kinds of jokes? Why not talk about every comedian—even the ones that aren’t Black men—who make these kinds of jokes?

Eyewitness reports: comedian still telling jokes. More at 11.

His jokes suck, but this line...