I’m a high school English teacher, and I plan to punch one of my colleagues in his throat when he makes his first condescending or misogynistic (or both) comment.
I’m a high school English teacher, and I plan to punch one of my colleagues in his throat when he makes his first condescending or misogynistic (or both) comment.
There is always money for the machinery of the military. We will never be short of tanks or bullets or planes- because those are made in some Congressman’s district, and they pay big money to make sure they get a nice fat contract. It is always the people (disproportionately POC, disproportionately poor) in the…
As Pareene alludes to, there are people (inside the media and out of it) for whom the flag draped coffin is a religious fetish object. American Holiness lives in that casket, and how dare you critique it.
As a vet myself this is something everyone needs to understand: sometimes American Soldiers die for no good reason. They die in accidents, in blue-on-blue attacks, from improper medical care, in stupid wars, in badly planned missions. It happens. “Soldiers have died” is not a reason to keep fighting in and of itself.
The family of the vet does get to make a choice. Owens’ wife made one choice (yes, you can use me as a prop); his father made another (GTFO you moron whose idiotic decision got my son killed).
As long as you can get American soldiers killed, you will always have defenders, because there will always be people who think saying that American soldiers were sent somewhere to die for no good reason is more offensive than sending American soldiers somewhere to die for no good reason.
I refused to watch the speech, because obviously, but when I saw the headlines on NY1 this morning with the “press” pivoting to say he was “Presidential” and didn’t pee on any of the carpets, my reaction was, ‘here we go...’
Chris Cilizza is consistently and dangerously moronic. But “Donald Trump understood the applause for Carryn Owens was a moment. And he let it be.” is simply wrong.
So how long until the draft comes back?
Not for me. If anything the workforce has only pushed me to the left. That will happen when you realize your CEO is incompetent, but still makes 400x as much money as you do because he has nice hair.
I love the idea that if we tax billionaires we will lose their largesse. We would cut off the pearls that dribble from their lips down upon us mere mortals. Wither the art museums? Wither the ice rinks?
I know those guys! I’m not a part of that group but i do follow some of them. I think it’s good to see a resurgence of alternative parties. Coming to the U.S. from Canada, I’m a fan of multiparty systems.
That’s for the response, and sorry to ask and disappear (my connection went wonky last night).
Thank you for sharing this!! I’m always looking for any kind of action step we can all take.
Jesus that’s terrifying. We’ve got to work on gerrymandering, so that votes actually count towards the rightful receiver.
Sadly I deal with Trump supporters on a daily basis.
If you are on Twitter follow @propublica and @derekwillis @openelex
They happened.
After you stopped watching to write this, he asked a black reporter to set up a meeting with the black caucus, blamed an uptick in Nazi graffiti on “the other side,” and, fuck, probably a few other things but I’m high now because weed is medicine and I’m very sad.
I think his message may have won. I don’t think he would have won.