Regression-Test 1.2

The cold gray machinery of war and death now helmed by a mad man would truly like to wish you and yours a Merry Christmas!

I live in one of the redest states possible with heavy religious influence. They will never vote for Democrats, but, they will vote for “centerist” Republicans. We need some deep state spooks to come in and pose as R’s and drag this shithole into the 21st century.

I know my neighbors, they aren’t ever going to vote for a Democrat and they’d let Trump do them anally before they voted for a Socialist. They may take take over the pussy grabbing but white suburban women gonna white.

So what now? Don’t tell me to call my senators they were up there today shaking their fingers at the world. Don’t tell me to register people to vote I did that yesterday and the day before. When do we start burning shit? Fuck civility, let’s get our purge on.

Im done bleeding and crying and setring out to do something useful like sharpening guillotine blades.

I knew 5 good and decent men, they were all named as perpetrators in one of my sexual harrasment complainta against the US Air force.

I have been trying to find a local coven to join, Meetup hasn’t worked out and the local alternative bookstore was all about the resistance and ANTIFA.

As someone who has filed and won two EEOC sexual hrassment complaints against the DoD I can tell you that formal complaints and procedures are deliberetly designed to discourage and wash out victims.

I was told if I showed my shoulders or wore short skirts boys and men would lose all control and touch themselves. Thus dooming us both to hell and our mothers would cry for a millennium, and my ex religion really is only in the middle on the misogyny scale.

No judgement from me, I’m good with it being non treatable OR being treatable but him being the 5-10% that fail.

It’s the numbers giving me a glimmer of hope. If we can start seeing numbers of registered young adults go up real momentum can build.

Yes, what the racists and NRA needs are more friends.

From one mother to all you motherfuckers.

The hard angry part of me wants to say we should start a gofundme for anyone in this town that believes in basic humanity and wants to leave. Let the rest rot on hatered, lack of insurance, curable diseases and opiods. Find some Patsy to go in and record all the hate speech and a millionaire to finance lawsuits and

True equality means being able to be just as foul, immoral and despicable as any man and be promoted. Why does a win for women come at the cost of humanity?

My favorite mormons are the faux progressive ones who like to pretend their religion is not sexist, homophobic, and has some serious racism in its recent past.

Annual sexual harrasment how to protect yourself post.

“I’m not a predatory potential rapist!” He typed while giving instruction on how fulfilling it is to be a predator.

Why even bother with interpersonal relationships, emphathy, or commitment. Buy a fuckbot, make America great again!

He’s a little behind the curve, all my far right relatives were shoving crystals up their ass and refusing vaccines long before Trump.