Regression-Test 1.2

Trump is shaking!!!”

All of the Christian White Women Over 40 in my family vote Trump/Republican. Most of them vote this way because of two things: immigration and abortion. Their biggest boogeymen are Planned Parenthood and Sanctuary Cities. The thing is, no amount of facts is changing their minds. I’ve tried. They don’t want to hear it.

And they don’t even seem to be that set on being equal to white men, as long as nobody else gets to be.

Leave rural America behind. the past couple weeks we’ve had:

Ever since McCain did that whole “you’ll have to wait and see” shit with ACA every bloody Senator seems to want a moment like this. Collins was clearly always going to go for the drunk assaulter as a real Nice GuyTM but she wanted her “moment for the books” on top.

Susan Collins should’ve had to make that condescending, trashfire speech to Dr. Ford’s face.

Now playing

For some reason reading this reminded me of this old gem.

He needs to lose his damn dick in a meat grinder.

It’s always ugly-ass dudes who say shit like that too. Glass houses, you motherfuckers. 

Please review the years of 1861-1865 and you’ll see

What do you do when your country can’t even agree on reality?

As many people on Twitter point out, abusers cry. My abuser cried. Crying is sometimes what abusive men do because they don’t have a handle on their feelings or behavior; they’re angry and confused and scared. It’s so similar to when a child cries during a temper tantrum. They know enough to understand right from

Eventually, the bubble collapses. At some point, there will be a split so vast that it’s simply impossible to be a good believer and accept the evidence of your own eyes, and they’re either going to snap out of it or go completely insane. In Jonestown, the collapse of the bubble led to mass suicide. In Germany, it led

And they’re still going to come out of all of this believing they’re the victims.

Right now, the man the GOP has nominated for a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court is shrieking about shadow conspiracies and retribution. Just a model of sober-minded jurisprudence on display. 

Male escorts. Paid by the taxpayer. I would bet my house.

At this point I think we can call this “Classic” Avenatti.  Threaten something damning.  Give them a chance to clear the air (or more likely hang themselves.)  Then swing the hammer.

This is discussed over on the Splinter thread, but just for anyone who didn’t see it:

Turn your disgust into anger. Go to your local high school and/or college and register young women to vote. Drag every decent person you know to the polls. Fight back.