History is rife with examples of scientific contributions by women which were accepted but not credited. It was not just NASA that has done this.
History is rife with examples of scientific contributions by women which were accepted but not credited. It was not just NASA that has done this.
It’s not a dichtomy. They were just cheaper and more easily available. Men could get better paying jobs in the industry. Best white women could find better jobs too or were getting married and becoming housewives. Black women didn’t have as many options and even if married still had to work. They were also unlikely to…
I find it interesting that the NASA of the time was progressive enough to both recognize and make use of the potential of these women despite their gender and race, but still more than racist and sexist enough to make sure they didn’t receive any credit for their contributions.
I think he’s surrounding himself with family members like any paranoid mobster would.
I think this is a good idea (and not mutually exclusive with taxes, which we also need). Good argument for increasing labor’s power via unions.
Capital gains should be taxed at least as highly as labor income.
I can guarantee that the GOP playbook is to slash taxes specifically to make the deficit explode, and then use the deficit to further trash the safety net and programs for the poor and middle class.
“...it’s an astonishing admission—someone who actually wants to participate in Trump’s inauguration.”
Between the Trump transition team’s infighting, incompetence, and high-profile resignations, any decisions that…
Violent protesters meaning “any protests”. I predict the courts will be very busy with all the civic liberties that will be shredded in the next 4 years.
In a little over a week, he will get possession of the @POTUS handle—he’ll no longer be @realDonaldTrump.
And don’t forget the right to have female necessities like “scarves” and “necklaces”. Which I find absolutely baffling. I also don’t have tins of sympathy for her, but I think medical care needs to be determined by her medical team, as well as being housed in an appropriate facility. Necklace privileges are fucking…
This is a big reason why no one wants to buy Twitter. It’s filled with hate, and the time/money needed to properly police it isn’t worth it.
If I don’t have a right to healthcare, why on earth should I have a right to Twitter?
Current headline from the Washington Post:
He looks like a turtle, but he behaves like a snake. He demanded Obama’s cabinet completed ethics review and financial disclosure before their hearings, and is now trying to help Trump administration to ram them through the process. Hypocrite.
Trumpers are already taking up ‘donations’ of blankets to distribute to the Soiux protesters, as a show of ‘good-will’ to help them during the winter months.
There are 666 days until Election Day 2018, the midterms. (Yes, I sighed when I saw 666. Everything related to Drumpf is devilish.) We all need to support candidates who can change the balance in the House & Senate and get these numbskulls out. They hurt our country and make a mockery of democracy.
This probably couldn’t be much of a bigger FUCK YOU to Native people short of involving Howitzers.
Make America a joke should be his new slogan.