Regression-Test 1.2

Martha and Snoop sitting in a tree P-U-F-F-I-N-G

This guy’s a schmuck, he knew what Trump is, now that he has seen that there is real backlash against the mango he’s looking for some moral high ground. Fuck him, he gets no quarter from me. I hope the Trumplings eat him alive.

People don’t change, that guy should ask his wife.

Her mouth says “fuck you”, but her eyes say “minor stroke”.

Mandatory Simpsons

Protocol! We don’t need protocol to make ‘merikkka great again, bigly!

Half of the Trumplings I know have a totally different take on this. They believe Taiwan called him as a sign of obeisance and that it is a sign of our strength. The other half went shopping at Walmart to stock up on those cheap Chinese goods while they last.

Five Nights of Freddies reject.

Kellyane’s photo can also be used as preemptive birth control, purgative (after ingesting poisions), engine degreaser, and effective at absorbing dog shit. #lifehacks.

She will act concerned about the environment, because her peer group and potential customers demand it. Every move she makes is with the end goal of profit. None of the Trump supporters I know that deny climate change can afford her shit.

@slpng_giants is doing a thing where they screen shot advertisers on Breitbart and ask people to politely tweet them, #grabyourwallet has a Google doc of companies.

You can follow @slpg_giants for updates

Fuck, I can’t even come up with a good joke. Damn you election ennui!

Ulta is advertising on Breitbart, it’s not OK, Breitbart hates tech women.

Ulta is advertising on Breitbart.

Ulta is advertising on Breitbart.

Ulta is advertising on Breitbart.

What do you think Conway sees in the nightmares that wake her up at 2am? I’m guess she doesn’t dream, she looks like the Phentermine and booze are getting on top of her. Haggard.

I think time and space have gotten fucked up, bigly.

Moral advice: Get a burner app for your phone or register a one off email at or and report it.