
how dare you use an image of SGU to illustrate this article that is definitely not about SGU

yeah emo Cisco was the worst. and makes me hate Barry. not good

huge if true

I would like to see Edgar Wright direct a superhero movie

the "Schwarzenegger whaling on Schwarzenegger" part was actually where this movie lost me

but if they're all hot-blooded/sexual, wouldn't Bronn be just another hot-blooded/sexual man in a whole country of hot-blooded/sexual men?

I didn't understand why the Sand Snakes gave Bronn the antidote either…

yeah I didn't know Bettany was going to be the Vision, so that was a good surprise.

really? I thought there was too much red in his new uniform. I liked Hawkeye's though. more in touch with the comics.

"Clusterfuck in an OK way"

I didn't watch any trailers but still couldn't avoid seeing pictures of Iron-Man's special armour. and Paul Bettany's character. would have been better if the film contained ANY surprises

I agree. the hammer scene was great. but the farmhouse scenes were pretty boring/pointless.

Bevers is stupid.

How can weed not get you high?

I would love to see some of the out-takes from this show…

Is this the first time we have seen blood on Broad City?

I'm loving Season 2 much more than 1. darker, more surreal = better.


My favourite episode so far.

and Bob Dylan!