
I'd never heard of Chelsea Peretti until this week's HDTGM. she's hilarious.

I quite enjoyed the Bret Easton Ellis episode of WTF. he had a lot more in common with Marc than I would have thought.

Yeah I find Holmes pretty grating as well. really depends on the guest. the Larry Charles episode was pretty great.

Trying to listen to The Flop House. pretty annoying.

I think you're confusing consistent with profuse

It's not so much the liberal aspect that surprises me as much as the sense of humour…

I am loving this album. Amazing.

Heartbreaker by Ryan Adams

you must have gone to a private school

my brain still can't reconcile the fact that Stephen Colbert is Catholic

It's not every week. It's more like once a year.

I love Malkovich, but Crossbones is pretty disappointing. just bland.

my favourite part about Mortal Kombat (9) was that so many of the moves and combos were the same as Mortal Kombat 3

Art is important. and this is art.

guess what. it's not a camera. this is not a movie.

why would you want everything to look the same???

are you serious? just because a book doesn't look like everything else doesn't make it bad. Marvel has been doing an amazing job of hiring more idiosyncratic artists

Are you sure that's not Spawn? and Bat-Girl? and

Giancarlo Giannini was my favourite part of Hannibal.

I actually didn't mind Hannibal Rising. it got me interested in Hannibal again.