
Yeah, I'm not married but have lived with my partner for 6 years. We have 6 bank accounts - a joint savings and checking, and each with a checking and savings separate. It is a little bit of a pain to transfer money into the joint accounts every month, but a pain that's worth it and you get used to doing it.

Same here. I am a bed and cover hog and my BF snores so loudly. I move around so much in my sleep that I have actually head-butted him before and it woke both of us up and hurt like all hell. It doesn't hurt my feeling at all when he falls asleep on the couch.

If I could get my husband to agree with it, I'd be all for that. I have the best nights sleep when I'm alone (with the dog). The husband snores and he radiates heat. I also sleep diagonal, so I like my space.

I vote for separate bedrooms when sleeping. I know I am in the minority but I think this would do a lot of couples a lot of good.

1. Separate toilets means never having to smell your husband's burrito butt bombs. I am all for this.

Ok, you might want to Google what the word psychopath means though.

We had a pretty diverse team racially/sexually, and everyone sang them. If people made you drink because you messed up a lyric, you felt more like you fit in or were accepted. We were playing a sport that's one of the few that has nothing to do with finesse or attractiveness, and there was a sense of just wanting to

Wow. That's a really good point, Charlie. You've really identified the issue at hand. Thanks for your thoughtful commentary.

Can we start doing a little contest where we predict exactly what these inevitable "apologies" will say before they're released? Winner gets a bucket full of the apologists' tears or something. I'll start:

I would think Owl is easy to spell...

Will they also stop writing "Bald Weirdo" on my coffee cups?

What the hell WON'T give us type 2 diabetes? Even our BREAD is made with a crap ton of sugar. We're all fucked.

Crap, I was gonna make a joke about how they should call the campaign "We Shall Overshare."

I agree. I do freelance work now after being laid off twice in the past year for the exact same reasons (I was a contractor). Got tired of putting in time towards something that didn't lead to anything, but it was a good thing because I never really cared for the field. Now I do freelance work in something I love

I stayed in a job for years (what a fool!) under those conditions. It wasn't toxic at first; only until we won a multi-million dollar contract and I was credited for the "get." That's when the stabby fun started. I walked with nothing on the horizon. Things worked out. Best thing I ever did. No amount of money

I can't even count how many times people have said to me "I don't think I could work for myself like you do. I need the stability of a permanent position at a company." Personally I think they're crazy to think that any job these days has stability.

How I wish sterilization was an option. Not a single doctor I've spoken to would hear a word of it because I was in my early twenties when I asked. I'm approaching thirty now and my opinion hasn't changed; if anything, I've gone even more in the no-babies-ever direction since my friends all started having kids.

But this is just my point, you don't have to depend on your partner outside of hbc or an IUD, there are diaphragms and cervical caps and sponges that women can get to prevent pregnancy. You don't even need to see a doctor for sponges. It's just weird that, at least here on Jezebel, these other methods seem to never be

I don't get why hormonal birth control is consistently recommended as though it is the only form of birth control. There are multiple barrier methods for women, non-hormonal IUDs, and for those who know they don't want children or any more children, sterilization. Hormonal birth control has side effects that are