Somehow I *knew* VLC wouldn't last long in the app store, but this is certainly a twist I didn't expect... glad I got it already.
Somehow I *knew* VLC wouldn't last long in the app store, but this is certainly a twist I didn't expect... glad I got it already.
@bakana: meh I like the art style of the new tron movie.. it tickles my minimalist side nicely. To each his or her own I s'pose.
Mad skillz!!!! props to the artist!
VLC, Teffen Photo FX (which IMO is better than Photoshop Express), PhotoWizard. Lots of good stuff missed here.
death sentence.. pure and simple. Get rid of them and do it sooner than later. And screw that "humane" method of execution crap... for what they did to that girl they should suffer at the end of this life and for the rest of the next.
Hellooooo expensive as hell to produce. The die-cuts alone would break the bank of quite a few companies business card budgets
I think smartphones are a part of this decline as well, while the tactile feel of smart-phones relative to a true portable system are not even close, the fact remains that I have more games on my smart phone than my PSP & DS combined. Also the last time I bought a game for either was *easily* a year or so ago or more,…
@bohica: both if I recall correctly.. he wanted to nom on them and save a few for gold conversion.
wow... you know if I ever used twitter he'd be a great person to follow.
@∞Gïmmï∞Mørgäikköŋëŋ∞: Dude.. you are *never* allowed to post again while I'm drinking *ANYTHING*!!!!
while i'm not into Minecraft at all.. the video was strangely in sync to Derek Saudners Elysium 03 I was listening to at the time.
I wanted a white one too but decided to not wait for an "If", seems like that was the right decision.
for the wii... this is one of the few games that pushes the hardware and shows the console as a serious place to frag. True it's not quite on par with the heavies on the Xbox and PS3, but it gives the hardcore player who has a wii and no budget for other consoles something to look forward to.
it's interesting to see how much MS missed the mark on a phone so late to the smart-phone party. Visually I find the OS chunky, not as streamlined as iOS or as inviting and screaming "configure me!" as AndroidOS.
@Kaiser-Machead v.2.3: Hell...yes....
@NoMoreFB: How's your eyefinity performance running dual 5770's? (serious question, not trolling)
beta code on a production machine... seriously bad idea. Secondarily *THIS* is why we need a *REAL* OS on these tablets instead of a cell-phone OS. Keep your Andorid and iOS tablets.. I want OSX.. I want Windows7... I want something with a frakkin file system that is accessible, functional, useable... something that…
I'm not very happy with this particular cards performance relative to the cards they will replace in AMD's line... think I'll be sticking with my 5770 until the newer cards drive the prices down on the 59xx line unless the 69xx line come in at a digestible price (not likely).
wow, and I was seriously considering a mini when we were car shopping about 2 months ago...
this is *NOT* good... now I'll have to choose between this or Halo: Reach for Christmas....