Reginald Atkins

Nice stuff...

@Aaron Crabtree: true.. true.. meh, apparently the funding for design creativity goes into the systems and not the advertising budgets. I suppose that is the better place for it. :-\

Having played perfect world very briefly.. I can't say I was impressed. Some of the quests were not even in english lol...

given the creativity shown in the past I'm surprised they went with such obviously stock imagery. /disappointment

Given the price of netbooks relative to their performance.. they're just not worth it to me. IMO they sit in that uncomfortable area between a high end cell phone and a low end laptop, but lacking the sheer pocket-portability of the phone nor having the program running power of even a cheap laptop.

cute.. but ultimately as pointless as twitter itself... add to that 2$ is a bit high for it, 99cents tops.

while theft is theft... I don't think the punishment fit the crime in this case. 750$ per song seems just a weeee bit on the excessive side.

nuuu Ferrets are ADORABLE!!!!!


hopefully the rethinking of the SSD's design will come at a lower price point?

@The Sentient Meat: Oh.. and no it hasn't yet.. However I do happen to have a bio-neural chip right here....

@The Sentient Meat: lol.. I commend you for having seen the series. ^_^ (or at the very least done a rather good google search)

considering that my wife's name is Kate... it could work, now I just have to convince her to be OK with the "Katie" nickname for 30 seconds.... _

I was quite deliberately cheesy and named my iPhone "Sharon Apple"

the photorealists and those inspired by them are amazing artists, I've always been a fan of that kind and caliber of work.

wow.. lots of bugatti blooper reels as of late...

41,000$... umm... I can think of quite a few other cars I'd drop that kind of jink on

yah I have it, it's a neat little time waster.

@Stem_Sell: oh gawd that was great and terrible at the same time... LOL