Reginald Atkins

@FriarNurgle: meh.. that's what post-processing is for. Personally with the exception of the color shift in the harsh-contrast shot I've preferred the look of the iPhone pics the most with the Samsung Epic pulling up 2nd place, but as the saying goes: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

@Captain21: I'm hoping Camera+ returns with support for the flash but for now I use it instead of the regular camera unless I need HDR (which is rare)

they *FINALLY* got rid of those blasted soul shards, good... but not good enough to get me back into WoW, at least they finally seem to be listening.

wow.. amazing stuff.

I sas using a slider case for quite a while until my inCase clear arrived, my phone is fine. My wife dropped her iPhone4 in the grocery store parking lot, it fell back first and was also in a clear inCase, the inCase is cracked badly.. phone is perfectly fine. For the record my wife is 6' 1" so the phone had a long

sadly mediocrity is affordable. Regardless of it's less than stylish status I love my Honda Fit. ^_^

the existence of "reality shows" proves it's already happening.

@BretzE: Just curious... how is it the fault of the game that some of the players are jerks? Some kind of cheating has been going in FPS and other games long before Halo was on the scene, just ask anybody who was FPS'ing back in the day with Counterstrike and UT. There were so many hacks and cheats in Diablo back in

@geekymitch: tell me the frack about it... I'm reading this article and thinking.. Awww Poor BABY!!!! And here I thought I had it rough running on year 2 with no bonus what so ever. **eyeroll**

Having been on the receiving end of bullying growing up, and quite a lot of it.. honestly I can indeed blame the bully. But what saved me from a similar fate wasn't self-esteem or some deep seated realization that the world is full of crap people, those came later... no, there is one thing that kept me from taking

Natural selection at work.

considering getting FFI or II... hmm.

@Coillscath: I thought Twilight Princess was excellent. IMO all it lacked was a higher resolution output and maybe a little AA to kill the jaggies... So far I can't say the stills of the new zelda are really doing much for me. I absolutely hated wind waker's visual style but I am not a fan of cell shading in general.

wow.. photographers never cease to amaze me with their understanding of their medium of choice. That "Circa 1800's" shot is flat out awesome as are all the rest.

good visuals for the wii.. but I already have WipEout HD and Hydro Thunder Hurricane.

I may have to get this one JUST for the nazi killing action.

Only thing that disappointed me about the NA collectors edition was the lack of an OST. The journal's cute ad all but I doubt I'll actually use it.

while awesome.. I can't even imagine the cost it will demand.

It sux for any gamer to be without their fix... even FB gamers, so as a gamer I really feel for them on that level, but, as someone who avoids at all costs "you must log in every "X" minutes or your crap is toast" games, I must admit I'm one of the ones laughing.

Not entirely surprising. It felt pretty ambitious as a stand alone product and I had serious doubts about just how big of a market it would attract relative to it's development costs. As a tech demo it made a lot more sense though.