Reginald Atkins

what in the name of all that crawls did they do to that system!?!??!?!

funny.. I haven't played wow since march, got that email, figured it was another scam and deleted it, not that it matters since the WoW account password isn't used on any other sites / places...

cut your load times in half and your bank account by 90%... those SSDs are crazy expensive.

spend money... on people you *don't* like? Why?

nice.. I'll be getting it on the PSN for certain.

@romevi04: You sir speak much truth!

lol you lost me at "ice"


interesting guy with an even more interesting and sensible perspective on touch gaming. I wish him well, and look forward to his first game for the iPad.

good to know someone is making progress in space unlike current and past administrations that let something as important as NASA flounder and the Shuttle program flat out die.

Public: You're the worst directory I've ever heard of...

@Bellamy: I did too... I don't even own Move let alone any games for it and I have less trophies than that.

Interesting and well thought out article... I think it is an extremely well delivered point and honestly I like it.

@Purple Dave: nope.. time to dig up some google searching!

BOOM! Physics Head Shot! Course does it still count if you shoot yourself in the head?

well.. so much for making those 5 levels take a long time. But to their credit they probably grinded their eyes off, a more normal player probably would take a week or two.

@Chronocidal Guy: I do the *exact* same thing when I see stuff like that, visualize lines going from the edges and it becomes clear that they are the same.

@Jeb_Hoge: Awesome show.. gahh now I have to watch it again. I do like that car but sheesh he tricked it to hell and back.

it could have something to do with being a visually oriented person (I've been drawing for 36 years) because while I can see the illusion, I'm not "fooled" by it if that makes any sense what so ever.